Three.js Together with React, TypeScript, and Web-XR
In this final chapter, we’ll dive into two additional topics. First, we’ll look at how you can combine Three.js with TypeScript and React. The second part of this chapter will show some examples of how you can integrate your 3D scenes with Web-XR. With Web-XR, you can enhance your scenes to work with VR and AR technologies.
More specifically, we’ll show you the following examples:
- Using Three.js with TypeScript: For the first example, we’ll show you how you can create a simple project that combines Three.js and TypeScript. We’ll create a very simple application, much like the samples we’ve already seen in the previous chapters, and show you how you can use TypeScript with Three.js to create your scenes.
- Using Three.js and React with TypeScript: React is a very popular framework for web development and is often used together with TypeScript. For this section, we’ll create...