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Full-Stack Web Development with Go

By : Nanik Tolaram, Nick Glynn
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Full-Stack Web Development with Go

By: Nanik Tolaram, Nick Glynn

Overview of this book

Go is a modern programming language with capabilities to enable high-performance app development. With its growing web framework ecosystem, Go is a preferred choice for building complete web apps. This practical guide will enable you to take your Go skills to the next level building full stack apps. This book walks you through creating and developing a complete modern web service from auth, middleware, server-side rendering, databases, and modern frontend frameworks and Go-powered APIs. You’ll start by structuring the app and important aspects such as networking, before integrating all the different parts together to build a complete web product. Next, you’ll learn how to build and ship a complete product by starting with the fundamental building blocks of creating a Go backend. You’ll apply best practices for cookies, APIs, and security, and level up your skills with the fastest growing frontend framework, Vue. Once your full stack application is ready, you’ll understand how to push the app to production and be prepared to serve customers and share it with the world. By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to build and ship secure, scalable, and complete products and how to combine Golang with existing products using best practices.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Part 1: Building a Golang Backend
Part 2:Serving Web Content
Part 3:Single-Page Apps with Vue and Go
Part 4:Release and Deployment

Generating CRUD with sqlc

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which refers to all the major functions that are inherent to relational databases. In this section, we will do the following for the application:

  • Complete the sqlc configuration file
  • Create SQL query files

Once done, we will be able to autogenerate the different files required to allow us to perform CRUD operations to the database from the application. First, open sqlc.yaml and enter the following configuration:

version: '1'
 - name: chapter1
   path: gen
   schema: db/
   queries: queries/
   engine: postgresql
   emit_db_tags: true
   emit_interface: false
   emit_exact_table_names: false
   emit_empty_slices: false
   emit_exported_queries: false
   emit_json_tags: true
   json_tags_case_style: camel
   output_files_suffix: _gen
   emit_prepared_queries: false

Our application is now complete with all that we need for the database, and sqlc will autogenerate the .go files. The following is how the application directory and files will look:

├── db
│   └── schema.sql
├── go.mod
├── queries
│   └── query.sql
└── sqlc.yaml

We can run sqlc to generate the .go files using the following command:

sqlc generate 

By default, sqlc will look for the sqlc.yaml file. If the filename is different, you can specify it using the -f flag as follows:

sqlc generate -f sqlc.yaml 

Once the operation completes, there will be no output; however, a new directory called gen will be generated as shown here:

├── db.go
├── models.go
└── query.sql_gen.go

We have completed the auto-generation process using sqlc; now, let’s take a look at the schema and queries that sqlc uses to generate the code.

The following is a snippet of the schema.sql file that is used by sqlc to understand the structure of the database:

CREATE TABLE gowebapp.users (
User_Name      text NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE gowebapp.sets (

The other file sqlc uses is the query file. The query file contains all the relevant queries that will perform CRUD operations based on the database structure given here. The following is a snippet of the query.sql file:

-- name: ListUsers :many
-- get all users ordered by the username
FROM gowebapp.users
ORDER BY user_name;
-- name: DeleteUserImage :exec
-- delete a particular user's image
FROM gowebapp.images i
WHERE i.user_id = $1;
-- name: UpsertExercise :one
-- insert or update exercise of a particular id
INSERT INTO gowebapp.exercises (Exercise_Name)
    SET Exercise_Name = EXCLUDED.Exercise_Name
    RETURNING Exercise_ID;
-- name: CreateUserImage :one
-- insert a new image
INSERT INTO gowebapp.images (User_ID, Content_Type,
values ($1,
        $3) RETURNING *;

Using query.sql and schema.sql, sqlc will automatically generate all the relevant .go files, combining information for these two files together and allowing the application to perform CRUD operations to the database by accessing it like a normal struct object in Go.

The last piece that we want to take a look at is the generated Go files. As shown previously, there are three auto-generated files inside the gen folders: db.go, models.go, and query.sql_gen.go.

Let’s take a look at each one of them to understand what they contain and how they will be used in our application:

  • db.go:

This file contains an interface that will be used by the other auto-generated files to make SQL calls to the database. It also contains functions to create a Go struct that is used to do CRUD operations.

A new function is used to create a query struct, passing in a DBTX struct. The DBTX struct implementation is either sql.DB or sql.Conn.

The WithTx function is used to wrap the Queries object in a database transaction; this is useful in situations where there could be an update operation on multiple tables that need to be committed in a single database transaction:

func New(db DBTX) *Queries {
  return &Queries{db: db}
func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx *sql.Tx) *Queries {
  return &Queries{
    db: tx,
  • models.go:

This file contains the struct of the tables in the database:

type GowebappExercise struct {
  ExerciseID   int64  `db:"exercise_id"
  ExerciseName string `db:"exercise_name"
type GowebappWorkout struct {
  WorkoutID int64     `db:"workout_id"
  UserID    int64     `db:"user_id" json:"userID"`
  SetID     int64     `db:"set_id" json:"setID"`
  StartDate time.Time `db:"start_date"
  • query.sql_gen.go:

This file contains CRUD functions for the database, along with the different parameters struct that can be used to perform the operation:

const deleteUsers = `-- name: DeleteUsers :exec
DELETE FROM gowebapp.users
WHERE user_id = $1
func (q *Queries) DeleteUsers(ctx context.Context,
userID int64) error {
  _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, deleteUsers, userID)
  return err
const getUsers = `-- name: GetUsers :one
SELECT user_id, user_name, pass_word_hash, name, config, created_at, is_enabled FROM gowebapp.users
WHERE user_id = $1 LIMIT 1
func (q *Queries) GetUsers(ctx context.Context, userID int64) (GowebappUser, error) {
  row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getUsers, userID)
  var i GowebappUser
  err := row.Scan(
  return i, err

Now that the database and auto-generated data to perform CRUD operations are complete, let’s try all this by doing a simple insert operation into the user table.

The following is a snippet of main.go:

package main
import (
func main() {
  // Open the database
  db, err := sql.Open("postgres", dbURI)
  if err != nil {
  // Connectivity check
  if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("Error from database ping:", err)
  // Create the store
  st := chapter1.New(db)
    UserName:     "testuser",
    PassWordHash: "hash",
    Name:         "test",

The app is doing the following:

  1. Initializing the URL and opening the database
  2. Pinging the database
  3. Creating a new user using the CreateUsers(..) function

Make sure you are in the chapter1 directory and build the application by running the following command:

go build -o chapter1

The compiler will generate a new executable called chapter1. Execute the file, and on a successful run, you will see the data inserted successfully into the users table:

2022/05/15 16:10:49 Done!
Name : test, ID : 1

We have completed setting up everything from the database and using sqlc to generate the relevant Go code. In the next section, we are going to put everything together for ease of development.