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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS - Fourth Edition

By : Ben Frain
3.5 (4)
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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS - Fourth Edition

3.5 (4)
By: Ben Frain

Overview of this book

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Fourth Edition, is a fully revamped and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques for responsive web design. It emphasizes pragmatic application, teaching you the approaches needed to build most real-life websites, with downloadable examples in every chapter. Written in the author's friendly and easy-to-follow style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design, including approaches for better accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, and the latest color manipulation tools making their way to browsers. You can enjoy coverage of bleeding-edge features such as CSS layers, container queries, nesting, and subgrid. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author. By the end of the book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique. Read through as a complete guide or dip in as a reference for each topic-focused chapter.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section I: The Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design
Section II: Core Skills for Effective Front-End Web Development
Section III: Latest Platform Features and Parting Advice
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Extra SVG capabilities and oddities

Let’s put aside the foibles of browsers for a moment and consider what some of these features in the table actually allow, and why you may or may not want to make use of them.

SVGs will always render as sharp as the viewing device will allow and regardless of the manner of insertion. For most practical situations, resolution independence is usually reason enough to use SVG. It’s then just a question of choosing whichever insertion method suits your workflow and the task at hand.

However, there are other capabilities and oddities that are worth knowing about, such as SMIL animation, different ways to link to external style sheets, marking internal styles with character data delimiters, amending an SVG with JavaScript, and making use of media queries within an SVG. Let’s cover those next.

SMIL animation

SMIL animations ( are a way to define animations for an SVG within the...