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Spring Boot and Angular

By : Devlin Basilan Duldulao, Seiji Ralph Villafranca
5 (1)
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Spring Boot and Angular

5 (1)
By: Devlin Basilan Duldulao, Seiji Ralph Villafranca

Overview of this book

Angular makes building applications with the web easy and Spring Boot helps get an application up and running using just a few lines of code and minimal configuration. This book provides insights into building full-stack apps using Angular and Spring Boot effectively to reduce overall development time and increase efficiency. You'll start by setting up your CI/CD pipeline and then build your web application’s backend guided by best practices. You'll then see how Spring Boot allows you to build applications faster and more efficiently by letting the Spring Framework and Spring Boot extension do the heavy lifting. The book demonstrates how to use Spring Data JPA and add its dependencies along with Postgres dependencies in the project to save or persist a user's data in a database for future use. As you advance, you'll see how to write tests and test a service using Mockito. Finally, you'll create a CI workflow or pipeline for a Spring Boot and Angular application to enable operations to deliver quality applications faster. By the end of this Spring Boot and Angular book, you'll be able to build a full-stack web application and deploy it through continuous integration and continuous deployment.
Table of Contents (24 chapters)
Part 1: Overview of Spring Boot and Angular Development
Part 2: Backend Development
Part 3: Frontend Development
Part 4: Deployment

Writing a selector and using a selector and dispatching it in a component

In the previous section, we successfully implemented reducers that can mutate the values of our state. This means that our state contains valuable data that we can get from the Angular components; we can use selectors to do this.

Selectors are pure functions that allow us to retrieve slices of state; we can use several helper functions, such as createSelector() and createFeatureSelector(), to create our selectors for the store.

Selecting root states

While selecting the root states, we will be using a pure function to create our selector. Let’s look at an example of a selector selecting the list of blogs under the root state (AppState):

// blogs.selectors.ts
export const selectBlogs = (state: AppState) => state.blogs

In the preceding code example, we have only created a function that returns the blogs slice; this is feasible when we select slices under the project’s root state....