Creating a Database Using Entity Framework Core
A Blazor WebAssembly application can be made in the form of a static website without any dynamic data. In such a scenario, only the client part of the application is needed. In our case, we would like to present some data in our application, and therefore we need the server part of the Blazor WebAssembly application. This part will act like an application programming interface (API) providing data to our client.
In this chapter, we will learn how to create a data repository to store and manipulate data. We will learn about Entity Framework (EF), which is a great tool for the code-first database approach. We will cover some drawbacks of using EF over stored procedures, but also the advantages. We will also explore how to use the EF to create a database in a Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL).
We will then learn about C# generic to create generic classes and methods that can be reused and can save us a lot of code writing. Later, we will...