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Learn React Hooks

By : Daniel Bugl
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Learn React Hooks

By: Daniel Bugl

Overview of this book

React Hooks revolutionize how you manage state and effects in your web applications. They enable you to build simple and concise React.js applications, along with helping you avoid using wrapper components in your applications, making it easy to refactor code. This React book starts by introducing you to React Hooks. You will then get to grips with building a complex UI in React while keeping the code simple and extensible. Next, you will quickly move on to building your first applications with React Hooks. In the next few chapters, the book delves into various Hooks, including the State and Effect Hooks. After covering State Hooks and understanding how to use them, you will focus on the capabilities of Effect Hooks for adding advanced functionality to React apps. You will later explore the Suspense and Context APIs and how they can be used with Hooks. Toward the concluding chapters, you will learn how to integrate Redux and MobX with React Hooks. Finally, the book will help you develop the skill of migrating your existing React class components, and Redux and MobX web applications to Hooks. By the end of this book, you will be well-versed in building your own custom Hooks and effectively refactoring your React applications.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Free Chapter
Section 1: Introduction to Hooks
Section 2: Understanding Hooks in Depth
Section 3: Integration and Migration

Implementing Requests and React Suspense

In the previous chapters, we learned how to use React context as an alternative to manually passing down props. We learned about context providers, consumers, and how to use Hooks as a context consumer. Next, we learned about inversion of control as an alternative to contexts. Finally, we implemented themes and global state, using contexts in our blog app.

In this chapter, we are going to set up a simple backend server, which will be generated from a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file, using the json-server tool. Then, we are going to implement requesting resources, by using an Effect Hook in combination with a State Hook. Next, we are going to do the same, using the axios and react-request-hook libraries. Finally, we are going to take a look at preventing unnecessary re-rendering, using React.memo, and lazily loading components through...