It's time to create the <template> section of the single file component:
- In the client/components folder, open the TodoList.vue file.
- In the <template> section, create a div HTML element, and add the class attribute with the value box:
<div class="box"></div>
- As a child of the HTML element, create a div HTML element, with the class attribute defined as content, with a child element defined as an ol HTML element and the attribute type defined as 1:
<div class="content">
<ol type="1"></ol>
- As a child of the ol HTML element, create a li HTML element, with the v-for directive defined as (task, i) in taskObject, and the key attribute defined as a variable, i:
v-for="(task, i) in taskObject"
- Finally, as a child of the ol HTML element, add {{ task }} as the inner text, and as a sibling of the...