It's time to create the <template> section of the single file component:
- In the client/components folder, open the TodoForm.vue file.
- In the <template> section, create a div HTML element, and add the class attribute with the value box:
<div class="box"></div>
- Inside the HTML element, create a div HTML element with the class attribute defined as field has-addons:
<div class="field has-addons"></div>
- Then, inside the div.field.has-addons HTML element, create a child div HTML element, with the class attribute defined as control is-expanded, and add a child input HTML element with the v-model directive defined as the task property. Then, define the class attribute as input, the type attribute as text, and placeholder as ToDo Task. Finally, in the @keypress.enter event listener, define the save method:
<div class="control is-expanded">