Inside a Material Design application, we have a drawer menu that pops up over the page. This menu will be opened when the user clicks on the button we have just created in the TopBar component:
- In the src/components folder, create a file named DrawerMenu.vue and open it.
- In the <script> section of the single file component, we will export a default JavaScript object with three properties:
- The name property, defined as DrawerMenu.
- The props property, defined as a JavaScript object, with a property called value. This property will be another JavaScript object, with the type, required, and default properties. The type property is defined as Boolean, the required property as true, and the default property as false.
- The data property, as a singleton function returning a JavaScript object. This object will have a menu property, which we will define as an array of the menu items that will be used. The array will contain Javascript objects with the name...