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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS - Third Edition

By : Ben Frain
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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS - Third Edition

By: Ben Frain

Overview of this book

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS, Third Edition is a renewed and extended version of one of the most comprehensive and bestselling books on the latest HTML5 and CSS tools and techniques for responsive web design. Written in the author's signature friendly and informal style, this edition covers all the newest developments and improvements in responsive web design including better user accessibility, variable fonts and font loading, CSS Scroll Snap, and much, much more. With a new chapter dedicated to CSS Grid, you will understand how it differs from the Flexbox layout mechanism and when you should use one over the other. Furthermore, you will acquire practical knowledge of SVG, writing accessible HTML markup, creating stunning aesthetics and effects with CSS, applying transitions, transformations, and animations, integrating media queries, and more. The book concludes by exploring some exclusive tips and approaches for front-end development from the author. By the end of this book, you will not only have a comprehensive understanding of responsive web design and what is possible with the latest HTML5 and CSS, but also the knowledge of how to best implement each technique.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
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Writing HTML Markup

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a language that allows content to be marked up in a manner that makes it more understandable to technology, and then in turn to humans.

You can have content on the web without CSS or without JavaScript. But you can't have content without HTML.

It's a common misconception that HTML is the easy part of authoring web pages and applications. Writing HTML is often dismissed out of hand as something anyone can do easily. My experience tells me HTML is easy to get wrong and not a lot else.

Also consider that for users of the web without sight or who have impaired vision, the way you author HTML can turn content from a confusing unusable mess, into a meaningful, useful, and delightful experience. Sighted users who rely on assistive technology for other reasons can also enjoy web pages far more easily if they have been marked up correctly.

Writing good quality HTML is not a specific need of responsive web design. It's far more important than that. It's a prerequisite of anything that you want to be accessible to all users of the web.

This chapter is therefore going to be about writing HTML markup. We will be considering the vocabulary of HTML, its semantics, or, more succinctly, the way we can use the elements of HTML to describe the content we place in markup.

HTML is what's known as a living standard. A few years back, the latest version was typically referred to as HTML5, a buzzword that helped identify modern web techniques and approaches. It's the reason this book is named "Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS" instead of simply "Responsive Web Design with HTML and CSS." Back in 2012, you could more easily highlight that your techniques were modern by using the terms HTML5 and CSS3. As I write this in 2020, this distinction is less important. To read the living standard, head over here:

The topics we will cover in this chapter are:

  • Starting HTML pages correctly
  • The forgiving nature of HTML5 markup
  • Sectioning, grouping, and text-level elements
  • Putting HTML elements to use
  • WCAG accessibility conformance and WAI-ARIA for more accessible web applications
  • Embedding media
  • Responsive video and iframes

HTML also provides specific tools for handling forms and user input. This set of features takes much of the burden away from more resource heavy technologies like JavaScript for things like form validation. However, we're going to look at HTML forms separately in Chapter 10, Conquer Forms with HTML5 and CSS.

The basic structure of an HTML page is like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Web Page Structure</title>

When writing HTML, you will typically be "marking up" or writing content inside a series of tags or elements. The majority of elements in HTML have an opening and closing tag. A few, like the preceding meta example, are void and hence "self-closing."

There's only a limited number of self-closing or void elements, defined here:

They are referred to as void elements because they have no contents. Presently the void tags are area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, param, source, track, and wbr.

To exemplify the opening and closing nature of HTML tags, a paragraph of text would be most suitably marked up with an opening <p> at the beginning and a closing </p> at the end. Note the forward slash on the closing tag, as that's the differentiator between the opening and closing tags.

Although we are about to cover the head section, which is the content between the opening <head> and closing </head> tags, be aware that the lion's share of HTML authoring is done in the body section.