Chapter 12. Moderation
We are finally at a point where we have a community with pretty much every feature that represents a great community. To that point, a lot of the features that we allow our users to create are text-based or resource-based content such as images, movies, and so on. This is wonderful! Now all we have to do is deploy our site, invite some users, and watch our community grow. Prepare to rake in the money!
Not so fast! Allowing your user base to have complete freedom in filling your site with content is not a good idea. It means that you don't have any control over the destiny of your site. It also means that you will eventually have someone adding inappropriate material. You might even have a tech-savvy user attempting to steal some of your user's information for less than appropriate adventures. All these issues might eventually drive out all the good users leaving you only with bad users. Possibly, in the worst case, you might end up with legal issues on your hands due...