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Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging

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Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging

Overview of this book

Bugs are a time consuming burden during software development. Django's built-in test framework and debugging support help lessen this burden. This book will teach you quick and efficient techniques for using Django and Python tools to eradicate bugs and ensure your Django application works correctly. This book will walk you step by step through development of a complete sample Django application. You will learn how best to test and debug models, views, URL configuration, templates, and template tags. This book will help you integrate with and make use of the rich external environment of test and debugging tools for Python and Django applications. The book starts with a basic overview of testing. It will highlight areas to look out for while testing. You will learn about different kinds of tests available, and the pros and cons of each, and also details of test extensions provided by Django that simplify the task of testing Django applications. You will see an illustration of how external tools that provide even more sophisticated testing features can be integrated into Django's framework. On the debugging front, the book illustrates how to interpret the extensive debugging information provided by Django's debug error pages, and how to utilize logging and other external tools to learn what code is doing.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging
About the Author
About the Reviewer


We have now reached the end of discussing the move to production for a Django application. In this chapter, we:

  • Developed a configuration to support running the marketr project under Apache with mod_wsgi.

  • Encountered a number of problems getting the project running under Apache. For each, we saw how to diagnose and fix the issue.

  • Considered what additional testing could be done in the new environment, given its ability to run multiple threads concurrently.

  • Developed a test for the code that records posted survey responses, and observed that the code did not operate correctly under heavy load in the production environment.

  • Fixed the problem found in the results recording code, and discussed other techniques that may be needed to fix more complex multithreading problems.

  • Discussed the possibility of using Apache and mod_wsgi during development. This configuration can be made nearly as convenient for development as the Django development server, and use of the production setup during development...