Rendering audio and video using content elements and rgmediaimages extension
Various extensions modify and build upon default TYPO3 behavior (as we have seen already). In this recipe, we will make use of the rgmediaimages extension to add videos to the Text with image content element. This is a classic example of extending default TYPO3 behavior and adding more functionality to the system.
Getting ready
We assume you have already installed the rgmediaimages extension. If not, use the information in the Chapter 1 recipe Installing needed extensions to install it now.
How to do it...
1. In the Template module, modify the template for the page (click edit the whole template record).
2. In the Includes tab, under the Include static (from extensions) field, select the Media files & images (rgmediaimages) template, as shown in the following screenshot, and save.
3. In the Page module, create a new Text with image content element on the page.
4. Under the Text tab, enter any text you would like.