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Elgg 1.8 Social Networking

By : Cash Costello
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Elgg 1.8 Social Networking

By: Cash Costello

Overview of this book

As an updated version of the first ever Elgg book, this is an excellent resource for those interested in Elgg development due to its attention to detail, clearly written style and knowledgeable author. - Dave Tosh, Elgg co-founder. In his book, Cash Costello makes full use of his skills in development and communication to tackle the complex subject of Elgg social networking. This easy-to-read guide gives end users, new developers, and old pros alike a solid base to start their venture into social media with Elgg. I highly recommend it as a useful and enjoyable read. - Brett Profitt, Elgg Lead Developer The web is becoming increasingly social as millions of people use it to blog, share, post, 'friend', 'unfriend' (which was made the Oxford word of the year in 2009), comment, and chat. Elgg ñ your award-winning open source social networking engine ñ is tailor-made to create any social networking or social media website you can imagine. If you want to create a social networking website from scratch using Elgg, then this book is exactly what you need.Elgg 1.8 Social Networking covers everything you need to know about building a social networking site with Elgg. It begins with instructions for installing Elgg, continues with a guided tour of its capabilities, and finishes with practical advice on deploying Elgg on a production server. And in between, it is packed with information on configuring and customizing Elgg through plugins and themes.This book is a learn-by-doing guide to creating your own social networking site. It includes three sample case studies on how Elgg could be used as an e-learning tool, an intranet application for organizations, and a niche social networking site. Step by step it takes you through the installation, configuration, and customization of Elgg. Valuable advice is sprinkled throughout the book to enable you to build your site like an expert. For developers, this book provides a multitude of options. First, there is a tutorial-based section that systematically teaches you how to build plugins. Soon you will have ten plugins for use on your site in addition to all the knowledge you have gained. Second, if you prefer a quick overview, this book has an appendix that describes Elgg using the terminology and design patterns common in web development. Third, if you are interested in creating a theme, it also includes a design tutorial and a catalog of Elgg's view templates. The book then goes on to describe what is involved in running a production website. It has sections on selecting a hosting provider, configuring and tuning the server, backing up the site, and dealing with spammers.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Elgg 1.8 Social Networking
About the Author
About the Author of 1st edition
About the Reviewers


Elgg has views for collecting input from users and for displaying what was collected. Forms are the most common method for accepting user input. The form body consists of a set of input views (for textboxes, radio buttons, a submit button, and so on). It is highly recommended to use the input views for creating forms. This ensures the HTML markup is consistent across the site.

Generally, the data that was entered by the user will be displayed on the site. Elgg uses a parallel set of output views. These views add the appropriate markup for the data being displayed. URLs become hyperlinks, long chunks of text are automatically formatted in paragraphs, and time stamps are turned into human-readable date strings.


Input views are primarily used in forms. They include buttons, textboxes, and checkboxes. Plugin authors are strongly encourages to these elements when building forms so that the HTML of forms is consistent.

At the top of each view file is a list of parameters that it accepts. All views accept a name, class, and id. The views also support all the attributes defined by the W3C standards for input elements. Chapters 8 and 9 provide example usage of the input views.


This control is used for selecting the access permissions on content. If access levels are not passed through the options variable, then it uses the access levels provided by get_write_access_array(). This function returns all the access levels available to the current user, including personal access collections.

View: input/access


Elgg has two primary button views. The "input/submit" view is used to add submit buttons to forms. The "input/button" view provides a general view for creating buttons.

There are CSS classes for creating submit, action, cancel, and delete buttons. In each case, a base class of .elgg-button is extended by a specific class (such as .elgg-button-action for an action button).

Views: input/button , input/reset , input/submit

Developers: The CSS classes can also be applied to anchor tags to create buttons from links.


This view creates arrays of checkboxes. The labels and values are passed as an associative array.

View: input/checkboxes

Developers: A hidden input field is added in this view. The hidden input has the same name as the checkbox with a value of 0. If a box is not checked, then 0 is passed to the action of the form. If at least one box is checked, then the value of the checkbox is sent. The values of checkboxes are submitted as an array. If a set of checkboxes is created with the name "mycheckboxes", then the first value is obtained in an action as follows:

$checkboxes = get_input('mycheckboxes', array());
$first_value = $checkboxes[0];


The view for selecting dates displays a textbox. When a user clicks in the textbox, a calendar is displayed using JavaScript. When a day is selected using the calendar, that date is entered into the textbox.

View: input/date

Themers: Elgg uses jQueryUI's date picker. Elgg's default theme includes custom CSS for the date picker. Themes can modify that CSS or pull CSS from a jQuery theme.

Drop-down selector

An associative array is used to set the value and label of the elements in this selector.

View: input/dropdown

File upload

The file upload view creates an input field of type file. It uses the web browser's file chooser to select a single file for upload. The form encoding type must be set to multipart/form-data to use this input field.

View: input/file

Hidden input

Use this to embed information into a form that should not be displayed. An example use is storing the identifier of a blog post in the comment form.

View: input/hidden

Large textarea

A large textarea element is available through two views: input/longtext and input/plaintext. The longtext view uses a WYSIWYG editor, if available, while the plain text view does not. The long text view also includes its own menu that can be extended.

Views: input/longtext , input/plaintext


Password fields are created with the input/password view.

View: input/password

Radio buttons

This view creates an array of radio buttons with the same options as checkboxes. The key difference between the two is that only a single option can be selected from a set of radio buttons, as shown in the following screenshot:

View: input/radio


There are several different textbox input views. They each have a paired output view that displays the data differently (for example, e-mail addresses turn into mailto links and tags become hyperlinks).

Views: input/text , input/email , input/location , input/tags , input/url

User pickers

There are two views for selecting users. The input/userpicker view uses an Ajax callback to display matching users as a name is typed.

The input/friendspicker view displays users alphabetically grouped. The access collection interface is an example usage of this view.

The friendspicker supports multiple selections and can be used to highlight previous selections.

Views: input/friendspicker , input/userpicker


There is generally a partner output view for every input view. These views assist in the display of information collected from users.


The date output view accepts either a Unix time stamp or a date string with the output being a date string.

Views: output/date

E-mail address

The e-mail output view turns an e-mail address into a mailto link.

View: output/email


There are a few reasons to use the link output views provided by Elgg. First, they determine the full URL for a link from a segment of a URL (pass in 'blog/all' and the view uses the URL ). Second, the confirm link view pops up a dialog box to confirm any action the user is about to take such as deleting a blog post. Third, they can add security tokens to protect users (for information on this feature, visit ).

Views: output/url , output/confirmlink

Tag cloud

The tag cloud view is called from elgg_view_tagcloud(). This function supports a wide range of parameters for determining what tags make up the cloud. The view sets the font size for each tag and includes a "tagcloud/extend" view for adding content at the bottom of the cloud.

View: output/tagcloud


The tags view accepts an array of strings and returns a set of links for those tags. It is commonly used in the major plugins to list the tags attached to the content (such as tags on a file or a bookmark).

View: output/tags


There are two primary text output views. The "output/longtext" view marks up the text with HTML to highlight links and format paragraphs. The other text view displays the text exactly as it was saved.

Views: output/longtext , output/text

The form

Elgg has a convenience function called elgg_view_form() for rendering forms. If the Elgg action for the form is 'blog/save', then the form body view should be 'forms/blog/save'. In that form body view, the labels and input elements are assembled. The elgg_view_form() function handles inserting the content into a form, setting the action, and including Elgg's security features for preventing Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF).

View: input/form