Time for action – creating and populating the user profile fields
We are going to set up our registration enrollment system to use two user profile fields, the Program of Study field we created in Chapter 8, Setting Up a Mini SIS and a new field to house information about students' proficiency levels. The registration enrollment system uses user profile fields, and their values, to establish criteria that control whether a user is allowed to enroll in a course or not, so we thus need to create and populate the new user profile field before we may proceed with the Registration Enrollment plugin setup. Follow these steps to create and populate the new field:
Log in to your Moodle site as admin and, from the Site Administration block, click on Users, then Accounts, and then User profile fields.
Use the pull down menu to create a new text input user profile field.
We are going to create a user profile field titled "level" and use the field to store proficiency level information such as Advanced...