Time for action – importing the Gradebook template
We are now ready to import the Gradebook template. Because the template now includes not only the Gradebook, but also two activities, the attendance activity and a final exam score placeholder, it is in reality more appropriate to think of this as the standardized component of a course and thus a template course. The import process is virtually the same as the one used for importing the Attendance activity.
First, click on the Import link found in the Administration block from the front page of the course.
Next, use the Search courses field to locate our template course (AT-M-Th-1). Select the Use this course link from the search results.
From the Import course data screen, untick the Forums box, as the default forum already exists in the target course and we don't want to create another.
Click Continue to start the import process and then on Continue again on the next screen that contains the backup Note.
Click Continue again on the Import course...