Time for action – removing course lists from the category page
The first of these such 'tweaks' is to change how the Course category page is displayed. It is important to note that this will involve making a small change to the core Moodle code. This will mean that when you upgrade your Moodle instance to a newer version, you will need to make this adjustment again in the new version. Ideally, you should keep adjustments like this, sometimes called hacks, to a minimum as they can complicate the upgrade process. Always keep a record of the changes you make so that you can easily transfer them to your new instance of Moodle when you upgrade. Additionally, if your adjustment involves a feature that you feel should really be a part of the Moodle core complete with an adjustable setting via the Moodle browser interface, please make the request via the Moodle Tracker found at http://tracker.moodle.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa.
To see the page display that we are going to modify, navigate to the following...