Chapter 6. Customized Roles
Educational programs usually track students' progress on a macro level via the use of evaluative tools such as tests, individual course grades, and more frequently, cumulative grade averages through the use of Grade Point Averaging systems. In addition to being able to record, and thus track this type of information in your Moodle site, it is also possible to monitor student access and activity at a micro level. We can, for example, determine how often a student logs into the site, what time of day he or she most frequently logs into the site, and what he or she does while logged in.
We will explore various methods for monitoring and reporting on student access and performance in the Moodle site.
While there are numerous methods for accessing the wealth of information that is stored within the Moodle database, in this chapter, we will focus on methods that are easy to set up and use but that do however, provide detailed information. In this chapter, we will...