Time for action – creating a sample query
The first time you access the Custom SQL queries tool via the Ad-hoc database queries link, you will see a screen that indicates there are No queries available, as shown in the following screenshot:
Once you create one or more SQL queries, the queries will appear in this window. To demonstrate the usefulness of this tool, we will set up a simple sample query. Our query is going to be designed to pull final grades from courses, so we will first need to navigate to one of our courses and enter several grades to ensure that we have data to pull from the database. Follow these steps:
Navigate to the Advanced Listening 1 course on our test site by clicking on the AdvList1 link in the MyCourses block, as shown in the following screenshot:
There are two graded items here, Attendance and Final Exam, from our course template imported from Chapter 4, Incorporating Educational Standards, so we already have some items that can be graded. You could enter attendance...