Time for action – creating a group inside the meta course
We are now going to create groups within our meta course in order to allow us to specify which users will be allowed to participate in, and view, the forums we set up later. This will allow us to control which sets of users have access to the information and communication that will be contained in each forum. Follow these steps to set up the forums:
Log in to your Moodle site as admin and navigate to the meta course we just created. It will be located under the Reading heading from the MyCourses block and titled Reading Program if you followed the steps outlined earlier in this chapter.
Click on the Groups link found inside the Administration block.
The subsequent screen will be titled ReadingProg Groups. The ReadingProg portion of the title is from the short name of our course. From this screen, click on the Create group button. Title the group Teachers and write a short description for the group. Ignore the enrollment key option as...