Time for action – setting up a mentor, advisor, or counseling system
In order to simplify the discussion here, I will use the term advising system for the remainder of this explanation. Remember that the system could, of course, be used as a mentoring, counseling, or homeroom system with little to no modification. Additionally, many of the ideas for this set up resemble those used in setting up the communication and collaboration system explained earlier in this chapter, so explanations will be somewhat abbreviated when deemed appropriate. To set up your advising system, follow these steps:
Log in to your site as admin and click on the Show all courses link found at the bottom of your MyCourses block on the front page of your site.
At the bottom of the subsequent Course Categories screen, click on the Add a new course button.
Leave the category set to Miscellaneous and enter a Full name and Short name such as Advising Center and Advising. Enter a short description explaining that the course...