Chapter 2. Adding Worksheets and Resources
This chapter is all about saving energy. Not only our own, but the world's too! Moodle's main attraction, to many teachers, is the fact that you can upload all of those worksheets that you hand out in class (and that your students lose). When you've done it once, they are there for as long as you need them—so you don't have to find and print them off the next time you do that topic, and fewer trees will be felled in the name of education! We're teaching the topic of Rivers and Flooding; so to start with, we'll need to introduce our class to some basic facts about rivers and how they work. We aren't going to generate any new stuff yet; we're just going to upload to Moodle what we have already produced in previous years.
In this chapter, we shall:
Put an information sheet about the River Thames into Moodle
Load a whole week's slideshows about River processes into Moodle in a neat folder
Make a click here type link (this is known as a hyperlink) to the...