Time for action — getting a program to create our self-marking activities
Let's download a program that will self-mark various activities. Hot Potatoes is one such famous program.
1. Go to the web address, http://hotpot.uvic.ca/#downloads.
2. For PC users, click on the Downloads link and then choose Hot Potatoes 6.3 installer. If you use Internet Explorer, you will get a message asking if you want to Run or Save the Hotpot file. If you use Firefox, you will be asked to Save it first, and Chrome will download it for you automatically. Once you have saved it, click Run to install it.
3. If you get any security warnings, agree to them and allow the setup to run (it's quite safe!). Click on Next to continue with the setup.
4. Select your language.
5. Accept the license agreement (as mentioned previously) and click on Next until the software has been installed.
6. When an image of a hand holding a potato appears, click on that image to bring up the following screen:
7. Click on Help and then click...