Time for action — making a self-marking mixed up words exercise
Another application of Hot Potatoes is called JMix. This is helpful for creating activities where the students have to rearrange words or phrases. When you save it as a web page (.htm), you can set it up in two different ways. You can either set it up in such a way that when the students click on the word or the phrase, it magically moves itself into the next part of a sentence, or you can have it as a drag-and-drop activity. We're going to set up our application to put the correct rivers in the correct continents—again! This information will be indelibly printed on their brains once they've been through every Hot Potato! Let's learn how to set it up.
1. Click on JMix.
2. Enter a name in the Title box.
3. In the Main sentence box, type in your sentences—a few words at a time, separating them one under the other, as shown in the following screenshot:
4. Think about possible alternative correct answers and add them to Alternate Sentences...