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By : Dan Wellman
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By: Dan Wellman

Overview of this book

jQuery is used by millions of people to write JavaScript more easily and more quickly. It has become the standard tool for web developers and designers to add dynamic, interactive elements to their sites, smoothing out browser inconsistencies and reducing costly development time.jQuery Hotshot walks you step by step through 10 projects designed to familiarise you with the jQuery library and related technologies. Each project focuses on a particular subject or section of the API, but also looks at something related, like jQuery's official templates, or an HTML5 feature like localStorage. Build your knowledge of jQuery and related technologies.Learn a large swathe of the API, up to and including jQuery 1.9, by completing the ten individual projects covered in the book. Some of the projects that we'll work through over the course of this book include a drag-and-drop puzzle game, a browser extension, a multi-file drag-and-drop uploader, an infinite scroller, a sortable table, and a heat map. Learn which jQuery methods and techniques to use in which situations with jQuery Hotshots.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Determining if the puzzle has been solved

In this task we'll focus on determining whether the pieces have been put back into their correct locations, unscrambling and therefore solving the puzzle.

Prepare for Lift Off

The following steps will be covered in this task:

  • Checking the order of pieces to see if they match the starting order of the pieces

  • Stopping the timer

  • Displaying a congratulatory message

Engage Thrusters

First of all we need to decide when we should check whether the puzzle has been completed. A good place to do the check would be on the stop event of the drag.

First add the following new variable directly after the existing current variable at the top of the stop() callback:

var current = getPosition(ui.helper),
    correctPieces = 0;

Don't forget to add a trailing comma after the first variable, as shown in the previous code sample. Next add the following code directly after the if statement:

$.each(positions, function (i) {
    var currentPiece = $("#" + (i + 1)),
        currentPosition = getPosition(currentPiece);

    if (positions[i].top === && positions[i].left === currentPosition.left) {


if (correctPieces === positions.length) {
    $("<p/>", {
        text: "Congratulations, you solved the puzzle!"

Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing

First of all we defined a new variable called correctPieces and set its value to 0. We then used jQuery's each() method to iterate the positions array that we populated much earlier in the code, when we initially shuffled the pieces.

What we need to do at this point is get each piece from the puzzle and check whether the pieces are in the correct order. However, we can't just select the elements from the page using jQuery's children() method, for example, or find(), because jQuery does not return the elements in the order that they are found in the DOM, especially as we have already dragged them all around their parent container.

What we have to do instead is select each element by its id attribute, and check to see what top and left CSS properties it has in its style attribute. The length of the positions array is the same as the number of pieces so we can iterate this array and use the index argument that jQuery automatically passes to the iterator function.

Within the iterator we first select the current element. The id attributes for each piece will start at 1 instead of 0 because we already removed the first piece from the puzzle, so we add 1 to the index value when selecting each piece. We also get the position of the current element using our existing getPosition() function, passing in the element we just selected.

Next we compare the current piece's top and left properties with the equivalent item from the positions array, and if both the top and left properties match, we increment the correctPieces variable.

Once each piece from the page and each item in the positions array have been compared and the each() method has finished iterating, we then check whether the value of the correctPieces variable is equal to the length of the positions array. If it is, we know that each piece is in the correct place.

We can stop the timer at this point in the same way that we did before – using the clearInterval() function, and then create the congratulatory message and append it to the element with an id of ui.