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The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook

By : Dmitri Khanine
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The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook

By: Dmitri Khanine

Overview of this book

Oracle UCM is a world-leading Enterprise Content Management platform. From Document Management, Web, Records, and more—Oracle has got all your business needs covered. Oracle UCM enables your organization to efficiently manage, store, preserve, and deliver content and documents. Written by Oracle ACE Dmitri Khanine, this book is a complete practical guide to building an ECM system and successfully configuring, administering, and operating it. It also shows you how to efficiently manage your organization's content and customize the UCM to fit your needs. This book wastes no time in getting you up and running and dives straight into the installation of the content server in Chapter 1. In the second chapter, you will master all the major controls and the admin interface. Metadata—a very important ingredient of any ECM—is thoroughly covered in Chapter 3. The book then moves on to the important tasks of securing your ECM system, configuring and managing workflows, and understanding and implementing virtual folders. The book also gives you an under-the-hood view of Stellent in Chapter 7. In the later chapters, you will learn how to migrate content like a pro and easily customize Oracle ECM. A bonus addition to the book is the final chapter, which is an easy-to-follow primer on web content management.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
The Oracle Universal Content Management Handbook
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Free Chapter
Getting Up and Running
Exploring Oracle UCM Product Offering

Understanding the role-based component

Earlier in this chapter I mentioned that setting permissions on each individual content item is not practical and that UCM groups together content with the same security. How does it do that?

Security groups

A Security Group is a group of content items that have the same level of security.

There is a standard metadata field called Security Group, dSecurityGroup.

In a sample organization that has accounting, sales, and manufacturing—you may split content into three security groups, one for accounting, one for sales, and one for manufacturing. Content in sales will have dSecurityGroup=sales.

Out of the box, there're two security groups—Public and Secure (as shown in the following screenshot). You can create additional security groups as you see fit; I'll show you how to do this later in this chapter.

So now that you've seen how the content is grouped together by security, let's see how user access is controlled. Let's start by examining user roles.

User roles...