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vBulletin: A Users Guide

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vBulletin: A Users Guide

Overview of this book

Written specifically to allow you to create a discussion forum, vBulletin, provides all of the tools, features and functionality for you to set up and develop a vibrant community. Because it specializes in this one aspect of your website, all the features are geared towards this goal, and you can leave the improvement and additions to the vBulletin developers while you get on with managing the rest of your website. If you are either already running a community forum based on vBulletin, or are planning on establishing one, then this is the book for you. This book will guide you through installing, configuring, managing and maintaining a vBulletin discussion forum on your own website. The book begins with the initial installation and configuration of vBulletin on your system. You will then go on a tour of vBulletin and its features, for both users and administrators. This will grow your understanding and familiarise you with the power and possibilities of vBulletin. vBulletin's Administration Control Panel is where you can control every aspect of your board. From users, forums and word filters to skins, templates and maintenance, everything can be done through the web-based control panel. The book devotes significant sections to covering these, getting you up to speed on the options available to you, and offering advice to help you make the right choices with your board administration. To make your forums stand out from the rest, we cover skins and templates to take your first steps in customising your forum. vBulletin is one of the most popular forum platforms available. Well known for its power and speed, it drives many of the most popular discussion forums on the Internet.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Building Forums with vBulletin
About the Authors

Uploading the Files

The next stage of the upgrade is to upload the files. There are two options open to you:

  • Overwriting all the files that were previously uploaded to the web server

  • Deleting all the old files and folders, and then uploading the new files

It's easier to overwrite the old files, so that's what we'll do here.

Before you do this though, one thing—close the forum! This prevents users from logging in and allows you to work in peace. It also means that you and only you see the errors if things go wrong.

Log into the AdminCP, expand vBulletin Options in the left-hand menu, and click on vBulletin Options.

In the right-hand pane, double-click on Turn Your vBulletin On and Off. Change Forum Active to No, and click on Save. Now only Administrators can access the forum.

Once that is done, take your FTP program and upload the new files over the old files. When asked if you want to overwrite, remember to choose Yes (or whatever option your FTP application gives you).

Remember that the same...