Styling vBulletin
There are two ways that styles get created for vBulletin:
Modification of the default style
Creation of Custom styles
By far the most common method of creating styles for vBulletin is to start off with the default style (the blue and white style that you've seen so far in this book) and to make modifications to this style. You can think of this as a sort of 'feature-creep' or 'style-creep' of the original. This method is much easier and more straightforward than creating a style completely from scratch, and by using the default style as a starting point, you are making certain you haven't forgotten something or left something important out of the template.
Buy your way out of work!
You don't have to bother about creating templates for yourself. If you fire up your browser and search for "vBulletin styles" or "vBulletin templates", you will find literally thousands of examples. Most of these are commercial so that you have to buy them, but there are quite a number of...