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Mastering Symfony

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Mastering Symfony

Overview of this book

In this book, you will learn some lesser known aspects of development with Symfony, and you will see how to use Symfony as a framework to create reliable and effective applications. You might have developed some impressive PHP libraries in other projects, but what is the point when your library is tied to one particular project? With Symfony, you can turn your code into a service and reuse it in other projects. This book starts with Symfony concepts such as bundles, routing, twig, doctrine, and more, taking you through the request/response life cycle. You will then proceed to set up development, test, and deployment environments in AWS. Then you will create reliable projects using Behat and Mink, and design business logic, cover authentication, and authorization steps in a security checking process. You will be walked through concepts such as DependencyInjection, service containers, and services, and go through steps to create customized commands for Symfony's console. Finally, the book covers performance optimization and the use of Varnish and Memcached in our project, and you are treated with the creation of database agnostic bundles and best practices.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Mastering Symfony
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Defining and prioritizing features

Considering the mind map at the beginning of this chapter and knowing some facts about the mava project, we can write some feature files in Gherkin. Let's start with the backend:

# workspace.feature
Feature: Workspace administration
  In order to manage workspaces
  As an admin
  I am able to see, add, edit and delete workspaces in the backend

Some possible scenarios for this feature would be as follows:

  Scenario: seeing a list of available workspaces
  Given I am logged in as admin
  And There are 3 workspaces
  And I am on "/admin"
  When I click on "Workspaces"
  Then I should see 3 items in the table
  Scenario: adding a new workspace
  Given I am logged in as admin
  And I am on "/admin/workspaces"
  When I click on "New"
  And I fill the "Title" with "My Workspace"
  And I fill the "Description" with "Testing add functionality"
  And I press "save"
  Then I should see "New workspace created"