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Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

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Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

5 (1)

Overview of this book

This book is an incremental guide that will help you learn and use the advanced features of the Selenium toolset including the WebDriver API in various situations to build a reliable test automation. You start off by setting up the test development environment and gain tips on the advanced locater strategy and the effective use of the Selenium WebDriver API. After that, the use of design patterns such as data - driven tests and PageFactory are demonstrated. You will then be familiarised with extending Selenium WebDriver API by implementing custom tasks and setting up your own distributed environment to run tests in parallel for cross-browser testing. Finally, we give you some tips on integrating Selenium WebDriver with other popular tools and testing mobile applications. By the end of this book, you will have learned enough to solve complex testing issues on your own.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Synchronizing a test with an explicit wait

The Selenium WebDriver provides an explicit wait for synchronizing tests, which provides a better way to wait over an implicit wait. Unlike an implicit wait, you can write and use pre-defined conditions or custom conditions for wait before proceeding further in the code.

The Selenium WebDriver provides the WebDriverWait and ExpectedConditions classes to implement an explicit wait.

The ExpectedConditions class provides a set of predefined conditions to wait for before proceeding further in the code. The following table shows some common conditions that we frequently come across when automating web browsers supported by the ExpectedConditions class:

Predefined condition

Selenium method

An element is visible and enabled

elementToBeClickable(By locator)

An element is selected

elementToBeSelected(WebElement element)

Presence of an element

presenceOfElementLocated(By locator)

Specific text present in an element
