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Full Stack Web Development with Raspberry Pi 3

By : Soham Kamani
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Full Stack Web Development with Raspberry Pi 3

By: Soham Kamani

Overview of this book

Modern web technology and portable computing together have enabled huge advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) space,as well as in areas such as machine learning and big data. The Raspberry Pi is a very popular portable computer for running full stack web applications. This book will empower you to master this rapidly evolving technology to develop complex web applications and interfaces. This book starts by familiarizing you with the various components that make up the web development stack and that will integrate into your Raspberry Pi-powered web applications. It also introduces the Raspberry Pi computer and teach you how to get up and running with a brand new one. Next, this book introduces you to the different kinds of sensor you’ll use to make your applications; using these skills, you will be able to create full stack web applications and make them available to users via a web interface. Later, this book will also teach you how to build interactive web applications using JavaScript and HTML5 for the visual representation of sensor data. Finally, this book will teach you how to use a SQLite database to store and retrieve sensor data from multiple Raspberry Pi computers. By the end of this book you will be able to create complex full stack web applications on the Raspberry Pi 3 and will have improved your application’s performance and usability.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Getting Up-and-Running with Web Development on the Raspberry Pi


This chapter was all about enhancing the quality of our user experience. We did not add anything as far as the underlying systems are concerned, but we greatly increased the value of our application to the end user. As we have seen, this can be done in three ways:

  • By adding a functionality to our frontend : This is where we added the ability to call our APIs through scripts instead of navigating to the API directly. This gave us the base of our renewed experience because we were able to simultaneously call the temperature and humidity APIs from the same page.
  • By adding structure to our document: Making a structured layout and placing the elements of our document accordingly gives us the ability to extend our UI further (as we will see in the next chapter).
  • By styling our layout: This step seems like the most drastic change appearance-wise. If you showed before and after...