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Angular UI Development with PrimeNG

By : Sudheer Jonna, Oleg Varaksin
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Angular UI Development with PrimeNG

By: Sudheer Jonna, Oleg Varaksin

Overview of this book

PrimeNG is a leading UI component library for Angular applications with 80+ rich UI components. PrimeNG was a huge success in the Angular world and very quickly. It is a rapidly evolving library that is aligned with the last Angular release. In comparison with competitors, PrimeNG was created with enterprise applications in mind. This book provides a head-start to help readers develop real–world, single-page applications using the popular development stack. This book consists of 10 chapters and starts with a short introduction to single-page applications. TypeScript and Angular fundamentals are important first steps for subsequent PrimeNG topics. Later we discuss how to set up and configure a PrimeNG application in different ways as a kick-start. Once the environment is ready then it is time to learn PrimeNG development, starting from theming concepts and responsive layouts. Readers will learn enhanced input, select, button components followed by the various panels, data iteration, overlays, messages and menu components. The validation of form elements will be covered too. An extra chapter demonstrates how to create map and chart components for real-world applications. Apart from built-in UI components and their features, the readers will learn how to customize components to meet their requirements. Miscellaneous use cases are discussed in a separate chapter, including: file uploading, drag and drop, blocking page pieces during AJAX calls, CRUD sample implementations, and more. This chapter goes beyond common topics, implements a custom component, and discusses a popular state management with @ngrx/store. The final chapter describes unit and end-to-end testing. To make sure Angular and PrimeNG development are flawless, we explain full-fledged testing frameworks with systematic examples. Tips for speeding up unit testing and debugging Angular applications end this book. The book is also focused on how to avoid some common pitfalls, and shows best practices with tips and tricks for efficient Angular and PrimeNG development. At the end of this book, the readers will know the ins and outs of how to use PrimeNG in Angular applications and will be ready to create real- world Angular applications using rich PrimeNG components.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)

TypeScript fundamentals

Angular 2 and higher is built with features of ECMAScript 2015/2016 and TypeScript. The new ECMAScript standards target evergreen browsers and helps to write more powerful, clean, and concise code. You can also use these features in any other less modern browsers with Polyfills such as core-js ( But, why do we need to use TypeScript?

TypeScript ( is a typed language and a super set of JavaScript developed by Microsoft. One can say that TypeScript is an advanced JavaScript with optional static typing. TypeScript code is not processed by browsers, it has to be translated into JavaScript by means of a TypeScript compiler. This translation is called compilation or transpilation. The TypeScript compiler transpiles .ts files into .js files. The main advantages of TypeScript are as follows:

  • Types help you find and fix a lot of errors during development time. That means, you have less errors at runtime.
  • Many modern ECMAScript features are supported out of the box. More features are expected according to the roadmap (
  • Great tooling and IDE support with IntelliSense makes the coding a pleasure.
  • It is easier to maintain and refactor a TypeScript application than one written in untyped JavaScript.
  • Developers feel comfortable with TypeScript due to object-oriented programming patterns, such as interfaces, classes, enums, generics, and so on.
  • Last but not least, Angular 2+ and PrimeNG are written in TypeScript.

It is also important to keep the following points in mind:

  • The Typescript Language Specification says, every JavaScript program is also a TypeScript program. Hence, a migration from JavaScript to TypeScript code is easily done.
  • TypeScript compiler emits output even when any errors are reported. In the next section, Advanced types, decorators, and compiler options, we will see how we can forbid emitting JavaScript on errors.

What is the best way to learn the TypeScript language? There is an official handbook on the TypeScript's homepage, which is aligned with the last released version. Hands-on learning is possible with the TypeScript playground (, which compiles on-the-fly TypeScript code entered in a browser and shows it side by side with the generated JavaScript code:

Alternatively, you can install the TypeScript globally by typing the following command in the command line:

npm install -g typescript

Global installation means, the TypeScript compiler tsc can be reached and used in any of your projects. Installed Node.js and npm are presupposed. Node.js is the JavaScript runtime environment ( npm is the package manager. It is shipped with Node.js, but can be installed separately as well. After that, you can transpile one or more .ts files into .js files by typing the following command:

tsc some.ts another.ts

This will result in two files, some.js and another.js.