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Building Distributed Applications in Gin

By : Mohamed Labouardy
4 (1)
Book Image

Building Distributed Applications in Gin

4 (1)
By: Mohamed Labouardy

Overview of this book

Gin is a high-performance HTTP web framework used to build web applications and microservices in Go. This book is designed to teach you the ins and outs of the Gin framework with the help of practical examples. You’ll start by exploring the basics of the Gin framework, before progressing to build a real-world RESTful API. Along the way, you’ll learn how to write custom middleware and understand the routing mechanism, as well as how to bind user data and validate incoming HTTP requests. The book also demonstrates how to store and retrieve data at scale with a NoSQL database such as MongoDB, and how to implement a caching layer with Redis. Next, you’ll understand how to secure and test your API endpoints with authentication protocols such as OAuth 2 and JWT. Later chapters will guide you through rendering HTML templates on the server-side and building a frontend application with the React web framework to consume API responses. Finally, you’ll deploy your application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and learn how to automate the deployment process with a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. By the end of this Gin book, you will be able to design, build, and deploy a production-ready distributed application from scratch using the Gin framework.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Section 1: Inside the Gin Framework
Section 2: Distributed Microservices
Section 3: Beyond the Basics

Writing a custom HTTP handler

You can create a handler function that takes *gin.Context as an argument and serves a JSON response with a status code of 200. Then, you can register the handler using the router.Get() function:

package main
import ""
func IndexHandler(c *gin.Context){
   c.JSON(200, gin.H{
       "message": "hello world",
func main() {
   router := gin.Default()
   router.GET("/", IndexHandler)

Important note

Separating the handler function from the router will be useful in the advanced chapters of this book, when unit testing is tackled.

The biggest strength of the Gin framework is its ability to extract segments from the request URL. Consider the following example:


This URL has a dynamic segment:

  • Username: Mark, John, Jessica, and so on

You can implement dynamic segments with the following :variable pattern:

func main() {
   router := gin.Default()
   router.GET("/:name", IndexHandler)

The last thing we must do is get the data from the variable. The gin package comes with the c.Params.ByName() function, which takes the name of the parameter and returns the value:

func IndexHandler(c *gin.Context) {
   name := c.Params.ByName("name")
   c.JSON(200, gin.H{
       "message": "hello " + name,

Rerun the app with the go run command. Hit the http://localhost:8080/mohamed link on your browser; the user will be returned:

Figure 1.28 – Example of the path parameter

Figure 1.28 – Example of the path parameter

Now, we know that every time we hit the GET /user route, we get a response of "hello user." If we hit any other route, it should respond with a 404 error message:

Figure 1.29 – Error handling in Gin

Figure 1.29 – Error handling in Gin

Gin can also handle HTTP requests and responses in XML format. To do so, define a user struct with firstName and lastName as attributes. Then, use the c.XML() method to render XML:

func main() {
   router := gin.Default()
   router.GET("/", IndexHandler)
type Person struct {
     XMLName xml.Name `xml:"person"`
     FirstName     string   `xml:"firstName,attr"`
     LastName     string   `xml:"lastName,attr"`
func IndexHandler(c *gin.Context) {
     c.XML(200, Person{FirstName: "Mohamed", 
                       LastName: "Labouardy"})

Now, rerun the application. If you navigate to http://localhost:8080, the server will return an XML response, as follows:

Figure 1.30 – XML response

Figure 1.30 – XML response

Congratulations! At this point, you have a Go programming workspace set up on your local machine, as well as Gin configured. Now, you can begin a coding project!