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Frontend Development Projects with Vue.js 3 - Second Edition

By : Maya Shavin, Raymond Camden, Clifford Gurney, Hugo Di Francesco
5 (2)
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Frontend Development Projects with Vue.js 3 - Second Edition

5 (2)
By: Maya Shavin, Raymond Camden, Clifford Gurney, Hugo Di Francesco

Overview of this book

Are you looking to use Vue.js 3 for building web apps but don't know where to begin? Frontend Development Projects with Vue.js 3 will help you get to grips with the core concepts of this JavaScript framework using practical examples that simulate real-world web projects. With this updated edition, you’ll experience all aspects of the new and improved Vue.js 3 as you work on mini projects such as a chat interface, a shopping cart, a price calculator, a to-do app, and a profile card generator for storing contact details. These realistic projects are presented as bite-size exercises that you can enjoy even as you challenge yourself. Throughout the book, you'll discover how to manage data in Vue components, define communication interfaces between components, and handle static and dynamic routing to control application flow. You'll also work with Vite and Vue DevTools and learn how to handle transition and animation effects for an engaging user experience. Finally, you’ll see how to test your app and deploy it to the web. By the end of this Vue.js book, you'll have the skills that enable you to work like an experienced Vue developer to build professional apps that can be used by others and have the confidence to tackle real-world frontend web development problems.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Part 1: Introduction and Crash Course
Part 2: Building Your First Vue App
Part 3: Global State Management
Part 4: Testing and Application Deployment

Understanding Vue directives

All Vue-based directives start with a v-* prefix as a Vue-specific attribute:

  • v-text: The v-text directive has the same reactivity as with interpolation. Interpolation with {{ }} is more performant than the v-text directive. However, you may find yourself in situations where you have pre-rendered text from a server and want to override it once your Vue application has finished loading. For example, you can pre-define a static placeholder text while waiting for the Vue engine to eventually replace it with the dynamic value received from v-text, as shown in the following code block:
      <div v-text="msg">My placeholder</div>
    <script setup>
    const msg = "My message"
  • v-once: When used, it indicates the starting point of static content. The Vue engine will render the component with this attribute and its children exactly once. It also ignores all data updates for this component or element after the initial render. This attribute is handy for scenarios with no reactivity needed for certain parts. You can combine v-once with v-text, interpolation, and any Vue directive.
  • V-html: Vue will parse the value passed to this directive and render your text data as a valid HTML code into the target element. We don’t recommend using this directive, especially on the client side, due to its performance impact and the potential security leak. The script tag can be embedded and triggered using this directive.
  • v-bind: This directive is one of the most popular Vue features. You can use this directive to enable one-way binding for a data variable or an expression to an HTML attribute, as shown in the following example:
      <img v-bind:src="logo" />
    <script setup>
    const logo = '../assets/logo.png';

The preceding code demonstrates how to bind the logo data variable to image’s src. The img component now takes the source value from the logo variable and renders the image accordingly.

You can also use it to pass a local data variable as props to another component. A shorter way is using the :attr syntax instead of v-bind:attr. Take the preceding example, for instance. We can rewrite the template as follows:

  <img :src="logo" />
  • v-if: This is a powerful directive you can use to conditionally control how elements render inside a component. This directive operates like the if…else and if…else if… conditions. It comes with supporting directives, such as v-else, standing for the else case, and v-else-if, standing for the else if case. For example, we want to render different text when count is 2, 4, and 6. The following code will demonstrate how to do so:
    <div v-if="count === 2">Two</div>
    <div v-else-if="count === 4">Four</div>
    <div v-else-if="count === 6">Six</div>
    <div v-else>Others</div>
  • v-show: You can also control the visible state of HTML elements by using v-show. Unlike v-if, with v-show, the Vue engine still mounts the element to the DOM tree but hides it using the display: none CSS style. You can still see the content of the hidden element visible in the DOM tree upon inspecting it, but it is not visible on the UI to end users. This directive does not work with v-else or v-else-if. If v-show results in a true Boolean, it will leave the DOM element as is. If it resolves as false, it will apply the display: none style to the element.
  • v-for: We use the v-for directive to accomplish the goal of list rendering based on a data source. The data source is an iterative data collection, such as an array or object. We will dive deeper into different use cases for this directive in a separate section within this chapter.

We have gone over the most common directives in Vue. Let’s review and experiment with how to use these directives with the following exercise.

Exercise 1.03 – exploring basic directives (v-text, v-once, v-html, v-bind, v-if, v-show)

More complicated components will use multiple directives to achieve the desired outcome. In this exercise, we will construct a component that uses several directives to bind, manipulate, and output data to a template view.

To access the code file for this exercise, refer to

Let’s start the exercise by performing the following steps:

  1. Use the application generated with npm init vue@3 as a starting point, or within the root folder of the code repository, navigate into the Chapter01/Exercise1.03 folder by using the following commands in order:
    > cd Chapter01/Exercise1.03/
    > yarn
  2. Run the application using the following command:
    yarn dev
  3. Open the exercise project in VS Code (by using code . command within the project directory) or your preferred IDE.
  4. Create a new Vue component file named Exercise1-03.vue in the src/components directory.
  5. Inside Exercise1-03.vue, compose the following code to display the text content:
        <h1>{{ text }}</h1>
    <script setup>
    const text = 'Directive text';
  6. Replace the {{}} interpolation with the v-text attribute. The output should not change:
        <h1 v-text="text">Loading...</h1>

Figure 1.10 displays the output of the preceding code:

Figure 1.10 – Same output for v-text and the interpolation method

Figure 1.10 – Same output for v-text and the interpolation method

  1. Add the v-once directive to the same element. This will force this DOM element to only load the v-text data once:
        <h1 v-once v-text="text">Loading...</h1>
  2. Underneath the h1 element, include a new h2 element that uses the v-html attribute. Add a new local data called html that contains a string with HTML formatting in it, as shown in the following code block:
        <h1 v-once v-text="text">Loading...</h1>
        <h2 v-html="html" />
    <script setup>
    const text = 'Directive text';
    const html = 'Stylise</br>HTML in<br/><b>your data</b>'

Running the preceding code will generate an output as follows:

Figure 1.11 – Rendering HTML elements from a string using v-html

Figure 1.11 – Rendering HTML elements from a string using v-html

  1. Add a new local link object that contains a bunch of information such as the URL, target, title, and tab index. Inside the template, add a new anchor HTML element and bind the link object to the HTML element using the v-bind short syntax – for example, :href="link.url":
        <h1 v-once v-text="text">Loading...</h1>
        <h2 v-html="html" />
          >{{ link.title }}</a>
    <script setup>
    const text = 'Directive text';
    const html = 'Stylise</br>HTML in<br/><b>your data</b>'
    const link = {
      title: "Go to Google",
      tabindex: 1,
      target: '_blank',

The following screenshot displays the output:

Figure 1.12 – Output on binding the reactive data from the Vue instance to any HTML attribute

Figure 1.12 – Output on binding the reactive data from the Vue instance to any HTML attribute

  1. Apply v-if="false" to the h1 element, v-else-if="false" to h2, and v-else to the a tag like this:
        <h1 v-if="false" v-once v-text="text">Loading...
        <h2 v-html="html" v-else-if="false" />
          >{{ link.title }}</a>

You should only see the <a> tag on the page since we have set the main conditional statements to false.

The v-else condition will display the following:

Figure 1.13 – false v-if statements hiding the whole HTML element from the DOM

Figure 1.13 – false v-if statements hiding the whole HTML element from the DOM

  1. Change the template to use v-show instead of the v-if statements, remove v-else from the <a> element, and change the value of v-show in h1 to true:
        <h1 v-show="true" v-once v-text="text">Loading...
        <h2 v-html="html" v-show="false" />
          >{{ link.title }}</a>

The output of the preceding code will be as follows:

Figure 1.14 – Changing v-show to true will display the main directive text

Figure 1.14 – Changing v-show to true will display the main directive text

When you open the Elements tab of your browser Devtools, you should be able to observe that the h2 display state is set to none as follows:

Figure 1.15 – h2 has “display: none” for the false condition

Figure 1.15 – h2 has “display: none” for the false condition

In this exercise, we learned about the core Vue directives to control, bind, show, and hide HTML template elements without requiring any JavaScript outside of adding new data objects to your local state.

In the next section, we will learn how to achieve two-way binding with the help of Vue’s v-model.