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Learning jQuery : Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques

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Learning jQuery : Better Interaction Design and Web Development with Simple JavaScript Techniques

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Learning jQuery
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Finding Plug-in Documentation

The Plugin Repository at is a great place to start when looking for documentation. Each plug-in listed in the repository has a link to a page from which the plug-in can be downloaded. Additionally, many of the linked pages contain demos, example code, and tutorials to help us get started.

Official jQuery plug-ins also provide ample comments in the source code itself. For many plug-ins, the comment syntax matches the comments of the jquery.js file, providing a description and at least one example of each method. This means that the tools available for viewing jQuery documentation also work with compliant plug-ins.

For example, the .offset method of the Dimensions plug-in has these comments:

  * Returns the location of the element in pixels from the top left
  * corner of the viewport.
  * For accurate readings make sure to use pixel values for margins,
  * borders and padding.
  * @example $("#testdiv").offset(...