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Introducing Ionic 2 [Video]

By : Mathieu Chauvinc
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Introducing Ionic 2 [Video]

By: Mathieu Chauvinc

Overview of this book

Unlock the potential of Ionic 2 to create cutting-edge mobile applications! This course takes you from setup to advanced features, covering page navigation, component creation, API integration, user interactions, and more. Dive into building sleek, cross-platform apps with Ionic 2's intuitive framework. Master the essentials and unleash your creativity in mobile app development.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)
Chapter 1
Setting Up
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Section 2
Bootstrapping an Ionic App
Starting a project can sometimes mean installing tons of things and can be quite a lengthy process before everything is up and running. However, this is not the case with Ionic 2, which offers a great CLI and a “start” command to bootstrap code, including a side menu, several pages, and so on. - Use ionic start to kick-start the project and bootstrap the code - Choose one of the bootstrapping templates, tabs (default), blank, or sidemenu. - Use a few command-line options to prepare our bootstrapping better