Overview of this book
This course delivers an (early) introduction to Ionic 2, and demonstrates all of the core elements of the framework by developing a single project throughout the runtime. The course dives into starting up an Ionic 2 project, using the menu application type as the template for the project. It introduces the component-based structure of Ionic 2 applications, develops navigation functionality and introduces TypeScript for development. Moving in sequence from there the course then demonstrates how to leverage Ionic for views and Angular 2 for the logic, utilizing bult-in Angular2 and Ionic2 directives to display content and implementing 2 way data binding. Services, observables and dependency injection are treated, and the second half of the course starts to dive into deeper, advanced topics creating custom components, binding attributes and listening to events via directives. Working with pipes for data filtering and rendering, using built-in Ionic 2 components, and implementing effective data persistence using the native interface.