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Building Mobile Apps with Ionic 4 [Video]

By : Samarth Agarwal
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Building Mobile Apps with Ionic 4 [Video]

By: Samarth Agarwal

Overview of this book

Ionic 4 marks the first version of the framework to completely embrace modern web APIs such as custom elements, CSS variables, and Shadow DOM. This course shows you how to get started with Ionic 4. You will use UI components that come with Ionic and are available for use in your apps, right out-of-the-box. You'll connect your Ionic app with a NoSQL database such as Firebase to enable your app to use all the amazing Firebase features such as Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore. You will work on the ToDo APP project, a Task Manager app using Ionic. By the end of the course, you'll have used Ionic 4 to build and prepared a cross-platform app for release into Google Play Store and App Store. So are you excited to build your first app with Ionic 4? Let's get started. All the code files for this course are available on Github at -
Table of Contents (5 chapters)
Chapter 1
Introduction to Ionic
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Section 7
Running the App in the Browser
In this video, you will learn how to run an Ionic app in the browser using the Ionic CLI. - Run the app using the CLI - Make code changes - View the updated app in the browser after code changes