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From 0 to 1: Learn Java Programming - Live Free, Learn To Code [Video]

By : Loonycorn
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From 0 to 1: Learn Java Programming - Live Free, Learn To Code [Video]

By: Loonycorn

Overview of this book

<p>A Java course for everyone - accessible yet serious, to take you from absolute beginner to an early intermediate level. What's Covered : <br />Programming Basics: What programming is, and a carefully thought-through tour of the basics of any programming. Installing and setting up an IDE and writing your first program. The Object-Oriented Paradigm: Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Inheritance; how an OO mindset differs from a functional or imperative programming mindset; the mechanics of OO - access modifiers, dynamic dispatch, abstract base classes v interfaces. The underlying principles of OO: encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism. Threading and Concurrency: A deep and thorough study of both old and new ways of doing threading in Java: Runnables, Callables, Threads, processes, Futures, Executors. Reflection, Annotations: The how, what and why - also the good and bad. Lambda Functions: Functional constructs that have made the crossover into the mainstream of Java - lambda functions, aggregate operators. Modern Java constructs: Interface default methods; properties and bindings too. Also detailed coverage of Futures and Callables, as well as of Lambda functions, aggregation operators. JavaFX as contrasted with Swing. Packages and Jars: The plumbing is important to understand too. Language Features: Serialisation; why the Cloneable interface sucks; exception handling; the immutability of Strings; the Object base class; primitive and object reference types; pass-by-value and pass-by-object-reference. Design: The MVC Paradigm, Observer and Command Design Patterns. Swing: Framework basics; JFrames, JPanels and JComponents; Menus and menu handling; Trees and their nuances; File choosers, buttons, browser controls. A very brief introduction to JavaFX.</p> <h1>Style and Approach</h1> <p>The instructors are quite knowledgeable and they introduce the concepts by giving some context and then dig deep. Use Reflection, Annotations, Lambda functions and other modern Java language features. Build serious UI applications in Swing.</p>
Table of Contents (9 chapters)
Free Chapter
You, Us & This Course
Chapter 5
Threading and Concurrency: A Lot Going On All At Once
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Section 1
Threading, and Why It Matters
As computers have become multi-core, and then as cloud computing has taken off, the importance of threading has increased substantially. This lecture is an introduction to the concept of threading which allows programmers to do different things simultaneously. We will also discuss the differences between processes and threads, old school concepts vs new school concepts in threads and some use-cases of threads.