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Data Structures and Algorithms: The Complete Masterclass [Video]

By : Shubham Sarda
4.3 (3)
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Data Structures and Algorithms: The Complete Masterclass [Video]

4.3 (3)
By: Shubham Sarda

Overview of this book

With the knowledge of data structures and algorithms at your fingertips, you can write efficient computer programs to solve real-world problems. This course will help you to get up and running with data structures and algorithms in no time. The course starts by explaining the concepts of complexity analysis and big O notation. Next, you will become familiar with the concepts of memory and logarithms. Moving along, you will get a solid understanding of data structure concepts, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs. Next, you will understand what recursion is and get to grips with a variety of basic and advanced algorithms, such as searching, sorting elementary, sorting advanced, tree traversal, and graph traversal. Towards the end, you will go through a set of interview questions that will enhance your knowledge of data structures and algorithms and prepare you for job interviews. By the end of this course, you will have gained exceptional knowledge of data structure and algorithms and will have developed skills to apply in the real world.
Table of Contents (31 chapters)
Free Chapter
Course Introduction
Essential Concepts - I
Data Structure - Introduction
Data Structures – Stack and Queue
Data Structures – Hash Tables
Data Structures – Heaps
Data Structures – Tries
Data Structures – Graphs
Implementations and Interview Questions
Question 1: Two Sum
Question 2: Min Stack
Question 3: Max Stack
Question 5: Reserve Linked List
Question 9: Detect Capital
Question 10: Reverse Strings
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Chapter 1
Course Introduction
Section 1
Course Introduction
Dive into the Data Structures and Algorithm Boot Camp, covering everything from foundational concepts to advanced implementations using Python. From understanding memory, Big O notation, and recursion to mastering sorting algorithms and data structures, this course offers hands-on learning with real-world interview questions.