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JavaScript Bible - JavaScript and ES6 Bootcamp 2019 [Video]

By : Bogdan Stashchuk
3 (1)
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JavaScript Bible - JavaScript and ES6 Bootcamp 2019 [Video]

3 (1)
By: Bogdan Stashchuk

Overview of this book

This course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript to become a frontend web developer, a full-stack web developer, or a backend developer. You'll start from the very beginning and learn the fundamentals and basic concepts of JavaScript. Then you will learn new features included in ES6, ES7, and more. Also, you'll explore the Node.js environment for JavaScript code execution and you will understand the difference between a web browser and Node.js. In separate sections, we will discuss Babel, NPM, Webpack, and MongoDB. Also, you will master the most popular JavaScript framework: React. JavaScript Bible – JavaScript and ES6 Bootcamp 2019 was designed for developers with different levels of JavaScript knowledge. If you are a beginner in JavaScript, start with the very first section called JavaScript Basics. If you have some experience with JavaScript, jump directly TO the sections where I cover ES6 topics such as REST/spread parameters, arrow functions, ES6 Classes, and more. By the end of the course, you'll have hands-on experience in developing WITH JavaScript and in front-end development. This course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript and become either Frontend Web developer, or Full-stack Web Developer, or Backend developer. We will start from the very beginning and you will learn the fundamentals and basic concepts of JavaScript. Then you will learn new features included in ES6, ES7, etc. Also, we will dive into the Node.js - environment for JavaScript code execution and you will understand what is the difference between Web Browser and Node.js. In separate sections, we will discuss Babel, NPM, Webpack, and MongoDB. Also, you will learn the most popular JavaScript framework - React. JavaScript Bible was designed for developers with different levels of JavaScript knowledge. Each challenge has a task and solution in separate Git branches. All the code and supporting files for this course are available at -
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Free Chapter
ES5.1 Array Helper Methods
ES6 Classes, Prototypes and Function Constructors
NPM - Node Package Manager
Chapter 21
Babel Introduction
Content Locked
Section 11
PRACTICE - Babel in action - ES6 Rest operator
Babel Introduction: PRACTICE - Babel in action - ES6 Rest operator