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Learning Google Guice

By : Hussain Pithawala
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Learning Google Guice

By: Hussain Pithawala

Overview of this book

<p>Google Guice is an open source software framework for the Java platform released by Google under the Apache License. It provides support for dependency injection using annotations to configure Java objects.</p> <p>Learning Google Guice is a concise, hands-on book that covers the various areas of dependency injection using the features provided by the latest version of Google Guice. It focuses on core functionalities as well as the various extensions surrounding Guice that make it useful in other areas like web development, integration with frameworks for web development, and persistence.</p> <p>Learning Google Guice covers Guice extensions which avoid complex API usage. You will start by developing a trivial application and managing dependencies using Guice. As the book gradually progresses, you will continue adding complexity to the application while simultaneously learning how to use Guice features such as the Injector, Provider, Bindings, Scopes, and so on. Finally, you will retrofit the application for the Web, using Guice not only to manage dependencies, but also to solve configuration related problems.</p>
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Learning Google Guice
About the Author
About the Reviewers


Guice appeared amidst various dependency injection frameworks in March 2007. Handcrafted in Google, Guice offered altogether new experience of developing applications in Java without having to bother about developing a Factory or calling new keywords to create instances altogether. After six years, three major releases and a number of extensions around the core, Guice is thriving. Today, Guice 3.0 stands as a complete implementation of JSR-330 Injector. Bob Lee, founder of Guice leading the JSR-330 gives a great impression that philosophy of dependency injection is making great strides towards improving the way we program in Java. That itself is a big reason to get ones hands wet with Guice.

My first interaction with Guice happened in fall of 2010, when I was developing a Maven plugin for code scaffolding in Java. As I had a large code base to generate the source code itself, wiring dependencies using factories or injecting them through a constructor was out of question. I investigated various frameworks available for dependency injection. While most of the frameworks did focus on dependency injection yet none of them had such variety of rich APIs to bind dependencies to their implementations in various possible ways. This made Guice my first choice.

This book is written to share my learning and experiences, which I had while using Guice. With this book, the readers have with them detailed hands-on treatment to Guice along with a number of extensions, which surround it. The book is based on latest version of Guice, Guice 3.0. It focuses on core functionality, latest features offered and extensions surrounding the core functionality (to solve specific problems or to provide exclusive features).

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Guice, introduces Guice as an alternative to writing dependency injection code using constructors or factories. The focus is on simplicity and separation of concerns, which Guice brings in with dependency injection. Along with this, Maven is introduced to build and run the sample applications.

Chapter 2, Exploring Google Guice, lays down a sound footing in various areas of the dependency injection. We start our discussion with Injector, which prepares the object graph and injects the dependencies. Discussion continues with various types of bindings, Guice provides to bind a reference to its implementation. At the end of the chapter, we visit a case for injecting static dependencies.

Chapter 3, Diving Deeper in Guice, focuses on advanced concepts in Guice. Beyond explicit bindings we investigate the application of Providers, Scoping, Binding collections, and Configuration Management. Various Guice extensions such as guice-throwingproviders, guice-assistedinject, and guice-multibindings are discussed. A solution to handle installation of modules is discussed in later part.

Chapter 4, Guice in Web Development, helps us to learn about developing a web application in java using Servlets and JSPs using Guice. We discuss the programmatic approach to configure routing to servlets and JSPs and avoiding declarative approach altogether in web.xml. We discuss guice-servlet an important extension, which provides important artifacts like GuiceServletContextListener, ServletModule, and GuiceFilter. We learn how to scope various instances to Request, Session, and Singleton.

Chapter 5, Integrating Guice with Struts 2, demonstrates integration of Guice with Struts 2. We discuss guice-struts the extension, which provides various artifacts such as Struts2GuicePluginModule and Struts2Factory for easy integration. The web application developed is redeveloped with Guice and Struts2.

Chapter 6, Integrating Guice with JPA 2, illustrates integration of Guice with JPA 2 and Hibernate 3 in a web and standalone application. We continue with our Struts 2 based application from the previous chapter and make it driven by a JPA, Hibernate-backed database. In this process we discuss the extension guice-persist and various artifacts it provides such as, JpaPersistModule and PersistFilter. Transaction handling is discussed using JpaTxnInterceptor.

Chapter 7, Developing Plugins and Extensions using Guice, focuses on SPI, Service Provider Interface. Important classes and interfaces, which are useful for developing extensions and plugins around Guice, are discussed. A custom LoggingInterceptor is developed to understand various functionalities of SPI. guice-multibinder, an extension for binding collections is analyzed.

Chapter 8, AOP with Guice, provides a brief overview of what AOP is, and how Guice adds to its own style of AOP with method interceptors by providing an implementation of aopalliance. Various artifacts such as Matchers and MethodInterceptor are discussed. A lot of examples are covered detailing both the artifacts.

Appendix, Prerequisites, provides tips regarding essential tools involved in running and building the samples. Installation of Maven, Eclipse, Tomcat, and MySQL server is illustrated. Importing MySQL data dump for running the samples of chapter 6, 7, and 8 is also detailed.

What you need for this book

You need to have JDK 1.5 installed on your machine. For running the samples from the various chapters Maven, the ubiquitous build and project management tool is required. Readers are advised to refer to the Appendix for prerequisites while running the samples.

Who this book is for

This book is for anyone hands on with Java (JDK 5 and above) and curious to implement Guice for dependency injection. Being hands on book, programmers struggling with Guice would also find it as a handy reference.


In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text are shown as follows: "We can include other contexts through the use of the include directive."

A block of code is set as follows:

new ServletModule(){
      protected void configureServlets() {
        install(new MainModule());

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items are set in bold:

SearchRQ create(
@Assisted("depLoc") String depLoc,
@Assisted("arrivLoc") String arrivLoc,
Date flightDate);

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

# mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.packt.client.Client"

New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in the text like this: "clicking the Next button moves you to the next screen".


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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