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Java 9 Programming Blueprints

By : Jason Lee
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Java 9 Programming Blueprints

By: Jason Lee

Overview of this book

Java is a powerful language that has applications in a wide variety of fields. From playing games on your computer to performing banking transactions, Java is at the heart of everything. The book starts by unveiling the new features of Java 9 and quickly walks you through the building blocks that form the basis of writing applications. There are 10 comprehensive projects in the book that will showcase the various features of Java 9. You will learn to build an email filter that separates spam messages from all your inboxes, a social media aggregator app that will help you efficiently track various feeds, and a microservice for a client/server note application, to name a few. The book covers various libraries and frameworks in these projects, and also introduces a few more frameworks that complement and extend the Java SDK. Through the course of building applications, this book will not only help you get to grips with the various features of Java 9, but will also teach you how to design and prototype professional-grade applications with performance and security considerations.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Title Page
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback
Taking Notes with Monumentum

New features in Java 8

Java 8, released on March 8, 2014, brought arguably two of the most significant features since Java 5, released in 2004--lambdas and streams. With functional programming gaining popularity in the JVM world, especially with the help of languages such as Scala, Java adherents had been clamoring for more functional-style language features for several years. Originally slated for release in Java 7, the feature was dropped from that release, finally seeing a stable release with Java 8.

While it can be hoped that everyone is familiar with Java's lambda support, experience has shown that many shops, for a variety of reasons, are slow to adopt new language versions and features, so a quick introduction might be helpful.


The term lambda, which has its roots in lambda calculus, developed by Alonzo Church in 1936, simply refers to an anonymous function. Typically, a function (or method, in more proper Java parlance), is a statically-named artifact in the Java source:

    public int add(int x, int y) { 
      return x + y; 

This simple method is one named add that takes two int parameters as well as returning an int parameter. With the introduction of lambdas, this can now be written as follows:

    (int x, int y) → x + y 

Or, more simply as this:

    (x, y) → x + y 

This abbreviated syntax indicates that we have a function that takes two parameters and returns their sum. Depending on where this lambda is used, the types of the parameters can be inferred by the compiler, making the second, even more concise format possible. Most importantly, though, note that this method is no longer named. Unless it is assigned to a variable or passed as a parameter (more on this later), it can not be referenced--or used--anywhere in the system.

This example, of course, is absurdly simple. A better example of this might be in one of the many APIs where the method's parameter is an implementation of what is known as a Single Abstract Method (SAM) interface, which is, at least until Java 8, an interface with a single method. One of the canonical examples of a SAM is Runnable. Here is an example of the pre-lambda Runnable usage:

    Runnable r = new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 
        System.out.println("Do some work"); 
    Thread t = new Thread(r); 

With Java 8 lambdas, this code can be vastly simplified to this:

    Thread t = new Thread(() ->
      System.out.println("Do some work")); 

The body of the Runnable method is still pretty trivial, but the gains in clarity and conciseness should be pretty obvious.

While lambdas are anonymous functions (that is, they have no names), Java lambdas, as is the case in many other languages, can also be assigned to variables and passed as parameters (indeed, the functionality would be almost worthless without this capability). Revisiting the Runnable method in the preceding code, we can separate the declaration and the use of Runnable as follows:

    Runnable r = () { 
      // Acquire database connection 
      // Do something really expensive 
    Thread t = new Thread(r); 

This is intentionally more verbose than the preceding example. The stubbed out body of the Runnable method is intended to mimic, after a fashion, how a real-world Runnable may look and why one may want to assign the newly-defined Runnable method to a variable in spite of the conciseness that lambdas offer. This new lambda syntax allows us to declare the body of the Runnable method without having to worry about method names, signatures, and so on. It is true that any decent IDE would help with this kind of boilerplate, but this new syntax gives you, and the countless developers who will maintain your code, much less noise to have to parse when debugging the code.

Any SAM interface can be written as a lambda. Do you have a comparator that you really only need to use once?

    List<Student> students = getStudents(); 
    students.sort((one, two) -> one.getGrade() - two.getGrade()); 

How about ActionListener?

    saveButton.setOnAction((event) -> saveAndClose()); 

Additionally, you can use your own SAM interfaces in lambdas as follows:

    public <T> interface Validator<T> { 
      boolean isValid(T value); 

One of the advantages of this approach is that it not only makes the consuming code more concise, but it also reduces the level of effort, such as it is, in creating some of these concrete SAM instances. That is to say, rather than having to decide between an anonymous class and a concrete, named class, the developer can declare it inline, cleanly and concisely.

In addition to the SAMs Java developers have been using for years, Java 8 introduced a number of functional interfaces to help facilitate more functional style programming. The Java 8 Javadoc lists 43 different interfaces. Of these, there are a handful of basic function shapes that you should know of, some of which are as follows:


This represents an operation that accepts two input arguments and returns no result


This represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces a result


This represents an operation upon two operands of the same type, producing a result of the same type as the operands


This represents a predicate (Boolean-valued function) of two arguments


This represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result


This represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result


This represents a predicate (Boolean-valued function) of one argument


This represents a supplier of results

There are a myriad of uses for these interfaces, but perhaps the best way to demonstrate some of them is to turn our attention to the next big feature in Java 8--Streams.


The other major addition to Java 8, and, perhaps where lambdas shine the brightest, is the new Streams API. If you were to search for a definition of Java streams, you would get answers that range from the somewhat circular a stream of data elements to the more technical Java streams are monads, and they're probably both right. The Streams API allows the Java developer to interact with a stream of data elements via a sequence of steps. Even putting it that way isn't as clear as it could be, so let's see what it means by looking at some sample code.

Let's say you have a list of grades for a particular class. You would like to know what the average grade is for the girls in the class. Prior to Java 8, you might have written something like this:

    double sum = 0.0; 
    int count = 0; 
    for (Map.Entry<Student, Integer> g : grades.entrySet()) { 
      if ("F".equals(g.getKey().getGender())) { 
        sum += g.getValue(); 
    double avg = sum / count; 

We initialize two variables, one to store the sums and one to count the number of hits. Next, we loop through the grades. If the student's gender is female, we increment our counter and update the sum. When the loop terminates, we then have the information we need to calculate the average. This works, but it's a bit verbose. The new Streams API can help with that:

    double avg = grades.entrySet().stream() 
     .filter(e -> "F".equals(e.getKey().getGender())) // 1 
     .mapToInt(e -> e.getValue()) // 2 
     .average() // 3 
     .getAsDouble(); //4 

This new version is not significantly smaller, but the purpose of the code is much clearer. In the preceding pre-stream code, we have to play computer, parsing the code and teasing out its intended purpose. With streams, we have a clear, declarative means to express application logic. For each entry in the map do the following:

  1. Filter out each entry whose gender is not F.
  2. Map each value to the primitive int.
  3. Average the grades.
  4. Return the value as a double.

With the stream-based and lamba-based approach, we don't need to declare temporary, intermediate variables (grade count and total), and we don't need to worry about calculating the admittedly simple average. The JDK does all of the heavy-lifting for us.

The new java.time package

While lambdas and streams are extremely important game-changing updates, with Java 8, we were given another long-awaited change that was, at least in some circles, just as exciting: a new date/time API. Anyone who has worked with dates and times in Java knows the pain of java.util.Calendar and company. Clearly, you can get your work done, but it's not always pretty. Many developers found the API too painful to use, so they integrated the extremely popular Joda Time library into their projects. The Java architects agreed, and engaged Joda Time's author, Stephen Colebourne, to lead JSR 310, which brought a version of Joda Time (fixing various design flaws) to the platform. We'll take a detailed look at how to use some of these new APIs in our date/time calculator later in the book.

Default methods

Before turning our attention to Java 9, let's take a look at one more significant language feature: default methods. Since the beginning of Java, an interface was used to define how a class looks, implying a certain type of behavior, but was unable to implement that behavior. This made polymorphism much simpler in a lot of cases, as any number of classes could implement a given interface, and the consuming code treats them as that interface, rather than whatever concrete class they actually are.

One of the problems that have confronted API developers over the years, though, was how to evolve an API and its interfaces without breaking existing code. For example, take the ActionSource interface from the JavaServer Faces 1.1 specification. When the JSF 1.2 expert group was working on the next revision of the specification, they identified the need to add a new property to the interface, which would result in two new methods--the getters and setters. They could not simply add the methods to the interface, as that would break every implementation of the specification, requiring the maintainers of the implementation to update their classes. Obviously, this sort of breakage is unacceptable, so JSF 1.2 introduced ActionSource2, which extends ActionSource and adds the new methods. While this approach is considered ugly by many, the 1.2 expert group had a few choices, and none of them were very good.

With Java 8, though, interfaces can now specify a default method on the interface definition, which the compiler will use for the method implementation if the extending class does not provide one. Let's take the following piece of code as an example:

    public interface Speaker { 
      void saySomething(String message); 
    public class SpeakerImpl implements Speaker { 
      public void saySomething(String message) { 

We've developed our API and made it available to the public, and it's proved to be really popular. Over time, though, we've identified an improvement we'd like to make: we'd like to add some convenience methods, such as sayHello() and sayGoodbye(), to save our users a little time. However, as discussed earlier, if we just add these new methods to the interface, we'll break our users' code as soon as they update to the new version of the library. Default methods allow us to extend the interface and avoid the breakage by defining an implementation:

    public interface Speaker { 
      void saySomething(String message); 
      default public void sayHello() { 
      default public void sayGoodbye() { 
        System.out.println("Good bye"); 

Now, when users update their library JARs, they immediately gain these new methods and their behavior, without making any changes. Of course, to use these methods, the users will need to modify their code, but they need not do so until--and if--they want to.