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Building Applications with Scala

By : Diego Pacheco
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Building Applications with Scala

By: Diego Pacheco

Overview of this book

<p>Scala is known for incorporating both object-oriented and functional programming into a concise and extremely powerful package. However, creating an app in Scala can get a little tricky because of the complexity the language has. This book will help you dive straight into app development by creating a real, reactive, and functional application. We will provide you with practical examples and instructions using a hands-on approach that will give you a firm grounding in reactive functional principles.</p> <p>The book will take you through all the fundamentals of app development within Scala as you build an application piece by piece. We’ve made sure to incorporate everything you need from setting up to building reports and scaling architecture. This book also covers the most useful tools available in the Scala ecosystem, such as Slick, Play, and Akka, and a whole lot more. It will help you unlock the secrets of building your own up-to-date Scala application while maximizing performance and scalability.</p>
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Building Applications with Scala
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Scala Hello World using the REPL

Let's get started. Go ahead, open your terminal, and type $ scala in order to open the Scala REPL. Once the REPL is open, you can just type "Hello World". By doing this, you perform two operations: eval and print. The Scala REPL will create a variable called res0, and store your String there. Then it will print the content of the res0 variable.

Scala REPL Hello World program

We will see how to create Hello World program in Scala REPL as follows:

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_77).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> "Hello World"
res0: String = Hello World

Scala is a hybrid language, which means it is object-oriented and functional as well. You can create classes and objects in Scala. Next we will create a complete Hello World application using classes.

Scala object-oriented HelloWorld program

We will see how to create object-oriented HelloWorld program in Scala REPL as follows:

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_77).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> object HelloWorld {
     |   def main(args:Array[String]) = println("Hello World")
     | }
defined object HelloWorld
scala> HelloWorld.main(null)
Hello World

The first thing you need to realize is that we use the word object instead of class. The Scala language has different constructs compared to Java. Object is a singleton in Scala. It's the same as coding the singleton pattern in Java.

Next we see the word def that is used in Scala to create functions. In the preceding program, we create the main function similar to the way we do it in Java, and we call the built-in function println in order to print the String Hello World. Scala imports some Java objects and packages by default. Coding in Scala does not require you to type, for instance, System.out.println("Hello World"), but you can if you want. Let's take a look at it in the following code:

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_77).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> System.out.println("Hello World") 
Hello World

We can and we will do better. Scala has some abstractions for a console application, so we can write this code with a lesser number of lines of code. To accomplish this goal, we need to extend the Scala class App. When we extend from App, we perform inheritance and we don't need to define the main function. We can just put all the code in the body of the class, which is very convenient and makes the code clean and simple to read.

Scala HelloWorld App in the Scala REPL

We will see how to create Scala HelloWorld App in Scala REPL as follows:

$ scala
Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_77).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> object HelloWorld extends App {
     |  println("Hello World")
     | }
defined object HelloWorld
scala> HelloWorld
object HelloWorld
scala> HelloWorld.main(null)
Hello World

After coding the HelloWorld object in the Scala REPL we can ask the REPL what HelloWorld is, and as you might realize, the REPL will answer that HelloWorld is an object. This is a very convenient Scala way to code console applications, because we can have a Hello World application with just three lines of code. Sadly, to have the same program in Java, it required way more code. Java is a great language for performance, but it is a verbose language compared with Scala, for instance.

Java HelloWorld application

We will see how to create Java HelloWorld application as follows:

    package scalabook.javacode.chap1; 
    public class HelloWorld { 
      public static void main(String args[]){ 
        System.out.println("Hellow World"); 

The Java app required six lines of code, while in Scala, we were able to do the same with 50% less code (three lines of code). This is a very simple application. When we are coding complex applications, this difference gets bigger, as a Scala application ends up with way less code than Java.

Remember, we use an object in Scala in order to have a Singleton (Design Pattern that makes sure you have just one instance of a class), and if we want the same in Java, the code would be something like the following:

    package scalabook.javacode.chap1; 
    public class HelloWorldSingleton { 
      private HelloWorldSingleton(){} 
      private static class SingletonHelper{ 
        private static final HelloWorldSingleton INSTANCE =  
        new HelloWorldSingleton(); 
      public static HelloWorldSingleton getInstance(){ 
        return SingletonHelper.INSTANCE; 
      public void sayHello(){ 
        System.out.println("Hello World"); 
      public static void main(String[] args) { 

It's not just about the size of the code, but also about consistency and the language providing more abstractions for you. If you write less code, you will have fewer bugs in your software at the end of the day.