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Data Manipulation with R - Second Edition

By : Jaynal Abedin, Kishor Kumar Das
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Data Manipulation with R - Second Edition

By: Jaynal Abedin, Kishor Kumar Das

Overview of this book

<p>This book starts with the installation of R and how to go about using R and its libraries. We then discuss the mode of R objects and its classes and then highlight different R data types with their basic operations.</p> <p>The primary focus on group-wise data manipulation with the split-apply-combine strategy has been explained with specific examples. The book also contains coverage of some specific libraries such as lubridate, reshape2, plyr, dplyr, stringr, and sqldf. You will not only learn about group-wise data manipulation, but also learn how to efficiently handle date, string, and factor variables along with different layouts of datasets using the reshape2 package.</p> <p>By the end of this book, you will have learned about text manipulation using stringr, how to extract data from twitter using twitteR library, how to clean raw data, and how to structure your raw data for data mining.</p>
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Data Manipulation with R Second Edition
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Factors from numeric variables

Numeric variables are convenient during statistical analysis, but sometimes we need to create categorical (factor) variables from numeric variables. We can create a limited number of categories from a numeric variable using a series of conditional statements, but this is not an efficient way to perform this operation. In R, cut is a generic command to create factor variables from numeric variables. In the following example, we will see how we can create factors from a numeric variable, using a series of conditional statements. We will also use the cut command to perform the same task.

# creating a numeric variable by taking 100 random numbers 
# from normal distribution
set.seed(1234) # setting seed to reproduce the example
numvar <- rnorm(100)

# creating factor variable with 5 distinct category

num2factor <- cut(numvar,breaks=5)
[1] "factor"
[1] "(-2.35,-1.37]"  "(-1.37,-0.389]" "(-0.389,0.592]" "(0.592,1.57]"  ...