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Instant Testing with CasperJS

By : Eric Brehault
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Instant Testing with CasperJS

By: Eric Brehault

Overview of this book

Professional web development implies systematic testing. While JavaScript unit tests will validate your JavaScript library’s quality, web functional testing is the only way to guarantee the expected behavior of your web pages. CasperJS is a fast and simple JavaScript testing API that can run on any platform, and it is currently one of the best and easiest ways to write your functional tests. Instant Testing with CasperJS will teach you how to write efficient and accurate tests for your professional web developments. This practical guide explains the various different CasperJS principles through clear and detailed examples, covering a large set of common use cases. This book will progressively cover everything you need to know from CasperJS basic principles to the most advanced testing practices. This book starts off by introducing you to the different testing assertions that you can perform with the CasperJS API. We will then move on to cover why bad timing between event triggering can ruin tests and learn strategies to avoid it. Finally, you will learn how to test efficient and complex web interactions like drag and drop, authentication, and file uploading. With Instant Testing with CasperJS, you will be able to set up an advanced and functional test suite for your web development projects quickly and efficiently.
Table of Contents (7 chapters)

Getting started with CasperJS (Simple)

This recipe will explain how to write basic CasperJS tests and will help us get familiar with the CasperJS approach.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will build simple web pages in order to run our CasperJS tests in an appropriate context.

As we need to serve just static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), we need a very basic HTTP server and the simplest existing HTTP server is the Python 2 SimpleHTTTPServer, as it is part of the standard Python installation (so that no extra deployment is needed), and it does not need any system configuration.

On Mac OS X and Linux, Python 2 is part of the system; we just launch the following command line from the folder containing our web content:

~ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

The preceding command should return this message:

Serving HTTP on port 8000 …

The message means that our local web server is running on the 8000 port and we can access it with our web browser using the following URL:


On Windows, we can do the very same thing but Python is not installed by default, so we first need to install it this way:

  1. Go to

  2. Download the Python 2.7 Windows installer.

  3. Run it.

  4. Add Python to our system path:

    ...the existing PATH value...;C:\Python27\

How to do it...

We are now ready to write CasperJS tests. For our first test, we will not need our local web server as we will use the Wikipedia website:

  1. Let's create the following file and name it example1.js:

    var casper = require('casper').create();
    casper.start('', function() {
  2. When we run our script, we get the following output:

  3. Let's see how it works:

    • In the first line, we get a new 'casper' instance.

    • Then, in the second line, we start this instance and open the Wikipedia page.

    • We give the start() method a function that will be executed once the page is loaded. In this function, the context (this) is the casper instance. Here, we just use the echo() method to display the current page title (obtained using getTitle()).

    • In the last line, we launch the registered steps.

    Now, let's change a little bit of our script in order to perform a search on Wikipedia about 'javascript':

    var casper = require('casper').create();
    casper.start('', function() {
        this.fill('form#searchform', {
            'search': 'javascript'
        }, true);
    casper.then(function() {
  4. Let's run it:

    We have made two changes:

    • We used the fill() method to submit our search keyword to the Wikipedia search form

    • We added a new step in our script using the then() method to make sure that we wait for the search result to be returned; we also displayed the current URL

    As we can see, it works perfectly as we obtained the URL of the Wikipedia article about JavaScript. Now, let's "assert" the world!

    We just wrote a basic CasperJS script, but it is not a very efficient test script as a test script is supposed to check if an expected behavior is properly performed by the web page that we are testing.

    To do that, CasperJS provides a tester API, which can be accessed via the test property of our CasperJS instance.

  5. Let's create the following example page and name it example2.html:

       <button id="button1" onclick="this.innerText='Done';">Click me</button>

    Now, let's launch our SimpleHTTPServer and see what the page looks like by going to http://localhost:8000/example2.html.

    It shows a Click me button and if we click on it, its label is changed to Done.

  6. The following is a CasperJS test that could validate this behavior:

    casper.test.begin('Test my form', 3, function(test) {
        casper.start('http://localhost:8000/example2.html', function() {
            test.assertSelectorHasText("button#button1", "Click me");
        casper.then(function() {
        casper.then(function() {
          test.assertSelectorHasText("button#button1", "Done");
  7. Let's save this script as example2.js and run it using the casperjs test command:

    The casperjs test command allows us to use the casper.test property, which provides all the testing methods.

    When using the casperjs test command, we do not need to create the casper instance, but we need to call the begin method and end the test with the done method.

  8. First, with assertVisible, we make sure that our button is visible. The most common way to designate an element is by providing an accurate CSS selector.

  9. Then, we use assertSelectorHasText to check the text content of the button before and after clicking on it. We can see that all our tests pass.


    The begin method takes a description and the number of expected tests (beside the test itself) as parameters. The number of successful and failed tests are displayed in the final line.

  10. Now, let's break our tests by changing the second assertSelectorHasText tester as shown in the following code:

    this.test.assertSelectorHasText("button#button1", "You can click again");


    Downloading the example code

    You can download the example code files for all Packt books you have purchased from your account at If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files e-mailed directly to you.

  11. And the result is as follows:

    We clearly see that our two assertions still pass, but one is now failing.

Timing is everything

When developing with JavaScript, we often need to chain two pieces of code (for instance, first we load some JSON data, then we update the page content using that data). But, each step is generally non-blocking, which means that the rest of the code will continue to execute even if the step is not complete, and there is no way to predict when the first step will be complete.

The most solid and common approach to solve this problem is the callback mechanism. We put the second piece of code in a function and pass it as a parameter to the first one, so that it can call that function when it finishes.

As a result, there is no linear and predictably-ordered execution of the code. This makes testing a little bit tricky.

The following is an example (example3.html):

   <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
   .searching { color: grey;}
   .success { color: green;}
   .noresults {color: red;}
   function geonamesSearch() {
      $('#results').attr('class', 'searching');
      var url = "";
      var query = $('#searchedlocation').val();
        $.getJSON(url + "?username=demo&q="+ query +"&maxRows=25&featureClass=P",null,            function(data) {
                var data = data.geonames;
                var names = [];
                if(data.length > 0) {
                    $.each(data, function(i, val){  
                        names.push( +" ("+val.adminName1+")");
                    $('#results').attr('class', 'success');
                } else {
                    $('#results').html("No matching place.");
                    $('#results').attr('class', 'noresults');
   <input type="text" id="searchedlocation" />
   <button id="search" onclick="geonamesSearch();">Click me</button>
   <div id="results"></div>

The demo account we are using here to access the service has a daily limit, if the limit is reached, we can go and create our own account. The preceding code will create a page that contains a text input field, a button, and an empty div with an ID as 'results'. When we click on the button, the JavaScript function geonamesSearch does the following:

  • It puts the 'searching' class on the results div and inserts the Searching... mention

  • It reads the text input's current value

  • It calls the GeoNames JSON web services to get the place names matching the value that you input

  • This JSON call is performed by jQuery and we provide it with a callback function that will be called when the GeoNames web service will respond and read the results

  • If there is no result, it changes the results div class to 'noresults' and its text to No matching place.

  • If there are some results, it sets the class to 'success' and displays the matching place names

We can try it with our web browser and see it work nicely.

Now, let's test this page with the following script (example3.js), which enters the value 'barcelona' and asserts that we do get Barcelona (Catalonia) in the results:

casper.userAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X)');

casper.test.begin('Search a city by name', 1, function(test) {
    casper.start('http://localhost:8000/example3.html', function() {
        this.sendKeys("input#searchedlocation", "barcelona");"button#search");

    casper.then(function() {
        test.assertTextExists('Barcelona (Catalonia)', 'Barcelona (Catalonia) has been found.');
    }) {


We need to set up a regular user agent to make sure that will accept to process our request.

If we run it, we get a failure:

Why is that? Because our triggers the geonamesSearch function and immediately after that we try to assert the result content. However, as the GeoNames web service did not have enough time to respond, the content is not yet the one expected at the time the assertion is performed.

To manage these kinds of cases, CasperJS offers us the ability to wait before executing the rest of our tests.

The following is a working test script:

casper.userAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X)');

casper.test.begin('Search a city by name', 1, function(test) {
    casper.start('http://localhost:8000/example3.html', function() {
        this.sendKeys("input#searchedlocation", "barcelona");"button#search");

    casper.waitForSelector('div.success', function() {
        test.assertTextExists('Barcelona (Catalonia)', 'Barcelona (Catalonia) has been found.');
    }) {

We can see that the tests pass successfully now:

With waitForSelector, we make sure that the assertion will be performed only when the results div will have the 'success' class, and it will happen only once our JSON loading callback function has been called.


The waitForSelector method will not wait forever; it does have a timeout (with a default value of 5000 milliseconds, which can be changed) and we can provide a second function that will be called if the timeout is reached before the selector is satisfied.

Live recording

Writing tests can take time. A quick and convenient way to produce tests is to record an actual usage sequence directly from our web browser (just like the Firefox Selenium plug-in).

To record web sequences as CasperJS tests, we can use a Chrome extension named Resurrectio.

We install it from the Chrome Web Store (go to, search for resurrectio, and then click on the add button), and it just appends a new button next to the URL bar:

  1. We click on the Resurrectio button to start a recording:

  2. We can then navigate or perform any regular action in our window.

  3. By right-clicking, we can add some assertions or screenshots:

  4. By clicking again on the Resurrectio button, we can stop the recording and then export the previous sequence as a a CasperJS test:

Nevertheless, be careful; in some cases, we might need to manually modify the generated test because of the following reasons:

  • It might contain a lot of useless assertions (due to extra clicks during the recording).

  • It might be too heavy and verbose, making it more difficult to maintain. So, we would prefer to simplify it to focus on the most meaningful aspects.

  • All assertions cannot be registered from Resurrectio, and we might need different assertions.

How it works...

One of the key advantages of CasperJS is its ability to chain test steps, knowing that these steps will be executed in the order they have been registered in.

As explained previously, the way to chain steps in JavaScript is by using callback functions as follows:

doStep1AndThen(function() {
   doStep2AndThen(function() {
      doStep3AndThen(function() {
         doStep4AndThen(function() {

If we were using PhantomJS directly, that would be how our tests would look, and it would not be very convenient to read or maintain.

But with CasperJS, using the then() or waitFor() methods, we can declare successive steps without this infinite callback nesting cascade.

CasperJS does that callback chaining for us behind the scenes, creating much more readable test scripts.

There's more...

Let's see a few more details about the different features we have just used here.

XPath selectors

By default, CasperJS uses CSS3 selectors, but we can use XPath selectors if we prefer or if we have to.

XPath selectors are less readable than CSS3 selectors but they are more powerful (for instance, while matching text contents or putting conditions on the DOM element's ascendants or descendants).

To use XPath selectors, we just need to load the CasperJS selectXPath utility:

var x = require('casper').selectXPath;
    test.assertExists(x("//*[contains(text(), 'Barcelona (Catalonia)')]"), 'The search results are correct');

Assertion methods

The CasperJS tester API offers a large collection of assertion methods.

We can assert conditions and function results in the following ways:

  • The assert(Boolean condition[, String message]) method asserts that the condition is strictly true

  • The assertNot(mixed subject[, String message]) method asserts that the condition is not true

  • The assertTruthy(Mixed subject[, String message]) method asserts that the subject is truthy

  • The assertFalsy(Mixed subject[, String message]) method asserts that the subject is falsy


    Let's explain what true, false, truthy, and falsy is.

    In JavaScript, true and false are the two Boolean values stricto sensu. Values such as null, undefined, the empty string '', the number 0, the number NaN are falsy, which means that if they are evaluated in a condition, they will return false.

    And any other values are truthy, which means that if they are evaluated in a condition, they will return true.

  • The assertEquals(mixed testValue, mixed expected[, String message]) method asserts that the two parameters are equal

  • The assertNotEquals(mixed testValue, mixed expected[, String message]) method asserts that the two parameters are not equal

  • The assertEval(Function fn[, String message, Mixed arguments]) method asserts that the function evaluated in the page DOM returns true


    this.test.assertEval(function() {
       if(window.jQuery) {
          return true;
       } else {
          return false;
    }, "jQuery is available");
  • The assertEvalEquals(Function fn, mixed expected[, String message, Mixed arguments]) method asserts that the function evaluated in the DOM page returns the expected value

  • The assertMatch(mixed subject, RegExp pattern[, String message]) method asserts that the value matches the regular expression

  • The assertRaises(Function fn, Array args[, String message]) method asserts that the function called with the provided arguments raises an error

  • The assertType(mixed value, String type[, String message]) method asserts that the value type is the expected one

We can assert the DOM elements in the following ways:

  • The assertExists(String selector[, String message]) method asserts that the selector matches at least one element in the page

  • The assertDoesntExist(String selector[, String message]) method asserts that the selector does not match any element in the page

  • The assertField(String inputName, String expected[, String message]) method asserts that the form field has the expected value

  • The assertVisible(String selector[, String message]) method asserts that the element is visible

  • The assertNotVisible(String selector[, String message]) method asserts that the matched element is not visible

  • The assertSelectorHasText(String selector, String text[, String message]) method asserts that the matched element contains the expected text

  • The assertSelectorDoesntHaveText(String selector, String text[, String message]) method asserts that the matched element does not contain the given text

We can assert the page information in the following ways:

  • The assertHttpStatus(Number status[, String message]) method asserts that the current HTTP status is the expected one

  • The assertResourceExists(Function testFx[, String message]) method asserts that the resource exists on the page


    The parameter can be a string (the resource name), a regular expression (supposed to match at least one existing resource), or a function (supposed to return true for at least one of the existing resources).

  • The assertTextExists(String expected[, String message]) method asserts that the page contains the expected text

  • The assertTextDoesntExist(String unexpected[, String message]) method asserts that the page does not contain the given text

  • The assertTitle(String expected[, String message]) method asserts that the page title is the expected one

  • The assertTitleMatch(RegExp pattern[, String message]) method asserts that the page title matches the given regular expression

  • The assertUrlMatch(Regexp pattern[, String message]) method asserts that the page URL matches the given regular expression

The WaitFor methods

The following is the list of the CasperJS waitFor methods:

  • The waitForText(String|RegExp pattern[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the text is present

  • The waitForSelector(String selector[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the selector is satisfied

  • The waitWhileSelector(String selector[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the selector is not satisfied anymore

  • The waitUntilVisible(String selector[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the selected element is visible

  • The waitWhileVisible(String selector[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the selected element is not visible anymore

  • The waitFor(Function testFx[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the function returns true

  • The waitForResource(Function testFx[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the function matches an existing resource

  • The waitForPopup(String|RegExp urlPattern[, Function then, Function onTimeout, Number timeout]) method waits until the pattern matches a pop-up URL

The wait() method

In the list of waitFor methods, we have not mentioned the following one:

wait(Number timeout[, Function then])

It just waits for a certain amount of time (in milliseconds).

But as discussed previously, in JavaScript, time is nothing and timing is everything. Similarly, in JavaScript, waiting for a given amount of time brings no guarantee to the accuracy of our test.Generally, we use wait() when we are desperate. For instance, if we have no way to modify the tested page, we cannot append an interesting signal to observe such as the 'noresult' and 'success' classes in our example.

Nevertheless, let's just note a relevant usage of the wait() method. When our page contains some progressive JPEG images and we want to capture a new image (see the Beyond testing (Advanced) recipe), we need to wait for some time before capturing, in order to let our images render entirely.

Installing Resurrectio from the GitHub sources

Resurrectio is not entirely stable yet, so it might be interesting to use the current development version.

To do so, you have to clone the resurrectio GitHub repository:

~ git clone git://

It will produce a ./resurrectio folder.

Then, in Chrome, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Tools | Extensions.

  2. Check the Developer mode checkbox.

  3. Click on the Load unpacked extension button.

  4. Select the ./resurrectio folder.