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Cloudera Administration Handbook

By : Menon
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Cloudera Administration Handbook

By: Menon

Overview of this book

An easy-to-follow Apache Hadoop administrator’s guide filled with practical screenshots and explanations for each step and configuration. This book is great for administrators interested in setting up and managing a large Hadoop cluster. If you are an administrator, or want to be an administrator, and you are ready to build and maintain a production-level cluster running CDH5, then this book is for you.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)

Configuring Kerberos for Apache Hadoop

In this section, we will use Cloudera Manager to configure Kerberos for our cluster running CDH5.

At the time of installation, CDH5 creates the following users:

  • hdfs: This user runs the namenode, datanodes, and secondary namenode daemons. The following screenshot shows the hdfs user as the owner of the namenode service:

  • mapred: This user runs the jobtracker and tasktracker daemons when using the MRv1, and job history server daemon when using YARN (MRv2).

  • yarn: This user runs the resource manager and node manager daemons.

  • oozie: The user runs the Oozie server.

  • hue: This user runs the Hue Server, Beeswax Server, Authentication Manager, and Job Designer daemons.

In addition to the preceding users, the Cloudera Manager also creates a user called cloudera-scm. We will need to set up authentication for all of these users in Kerberos.

Configuring Kerberos principal for Cloudera Manager Server

Execute the following steps as the root user from node1.hcluser to configure...