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Vagrant Virtual Development Environment Cookbook

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Vagrant Virtual Development Environment Cookbook

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Vagrant Virtual Development Environment Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Setting up a Ruby runtime environment

Getting started to write Vagrant plugins is identical to setting up a Ruby development environment.

Getting ready

It's typically good practice to develop using the target runtime. Vagrant embeds a Ruby runtime in the installed operating system package that can be used to find the proper version of Ruby to use as a development target. You can set up a Ruby environment by performing the following steps:

  1. Find the location of the Vagrant installation. On OS X for example, Vagrant is typically installed in /Applications/Vagrant/. The Vagrant installation contains a folder named embedded/ that contains the Ruby runtime used by Vagrant.

  2. In a terminal window, execute a version command on the embedded Ruby. To do this, change directories to /Applications/Vagrant/embedded/bin and execute:

    ./ruby –version

    This will return a value of the Ruby runtime. In this case, OS X package, Vagrant 1.6.5) of:

  3. Set up a development version of Ruby. The simplest method can be to download, install, and configure a package from the Ruby website, but installing a tool such as rbenv ( can make Ruby development and installation of development tools much simpler. There are many ways to install rbenv; on OS X, it can be as simple as using the Homebrew package manager ( to install using the brew install rbenv command.

    The companion ruby-build project ( can also be installed using a Homebrew package:

    brew install ruby-build


    There are also other methods of installing rbenv and ruby-build for other platforms. In many recent Linux distributions, rbenv is available in package repositories. For example, installing on a recent version of Ubuntu is as simple as installing with the apt-get install rbenv command.

    Installing ruby-build in these cases is often recommended as a plugin to rbenv. Consult the documentation on GitHub for rbenv ( and ruby-build ( for more information.

  4. With rbenv/ruby-build installed and configured, we can install the desired version of Ruby with the installation command. In this case, we'll install the version we determined from the Vagrant runtime in an earlier step:

    rbenv install 2.0.0p353
  5. With Ruby installed, we can then install the bundler gem that allows us to begin creating our own gems:

    gem install bundler

With these tools installed and a good text editor or Ruby Integrated Development Environment such as JetBrains' RubyMine (, we can start developing our own Vagrant plugin.

For this example, we'll develop a very simple plugin (a provisioner) with a single input variable that says "Hello" when the provisioner runs.

How to do it...

Developing a Vagrant plugin is identical to developing a Ruby gem and extending the Vagrant runtime by defining classes in the VagrantPlugins module. In practice, it is often useful to start by consulting other plugins to determine how to implement the plugin interfaces. This example relies heavily on the setup done in the vagrant-aws plugin ( and the vagrant-host-shell plugin ( You might find these two examples useful, but there are also many more plugins (nearly all of them open source) to use in starting a project.

This appendix will rely on code examples included with the book; we will highlight the steps required and a few important aspects of this simple plugin.

  1. Create a new project in a working directory with the Ruby bundler tool, which might be the simplest way to start:

    bundle gem vagrant_hello

    There is a naming convention that Vagrant plugins typically use where Vagrant plugins start with vagrant- , but if you are starting with the bundle, the command bundler often interprets dashes to create folders within projects. When starting with the gem command, it might be simpler to create names with an underscore character, then rename them to fit the dash naming convention of Vagrant plugins.

    Once the folder structure has been renamed, we should have a file structure that looks like this:

    ├── Gemfile
    ├── LICENSE.txt
    ├── Rakefile
    ├── lib
    │   ├── vagrant-hello
    │   │   └── version.rb
    │   └── vagrant-hello.rb
    └── vagrant-hello.gemspec
  2. With the gem dependencies in place, declare dependencies in our Gemfile and gemspec (vagrant-hello.gemspec).

    The Gemfile is fairly simple; we simply declare that we wish to use a gemspec file and we will declare the Vagrant source code as well. This gem is not added as a requirement to our plugin gem because we assume that a Vagrant plugin will run within the context of Vagrant itself at runtime. What we will need for development is the code that defines the VagrantPlugin module:

    source ''
    # Specify your gem's dependencies in vagrant-hello.gemspec
    gem "vagrant", :git => "git://"

    With the Gemfile written, we can edit the vagrant-hello.gemspec to define some information and development dependencies:

    # coding: utf-8
    $:.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
    require 'vagrant-hello/version' do |spec|          = "vagrant-hello"
      spec.version       = VagrantPlugins::Hello::VERSION
      spec.authors       = ["Chad Thompson"]         = ["[email protected]"]
      spec.summary       = "Say Hello"
      spec.description   = "Say Hello"
      spec.homepage      = ""
      spec.license       = "Apache2"
      spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.7"
      spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0"

    Most of this is gem metadata that describes the gem itself and some information that could be published to a gem repository. We've also declared a few dependencies for development, ensuring that we have the rake and bundle tasks commands available to our project.

    Two items to take note of are as follows:

    • We require the version file in our lib directory named vagrant-hello/version. This corresponds to the version.rb file present in this directory.

    • The version itself will be part of the VagrantPlugins module.

      bundle install

    With these dependency files in place, we can install the dependencies (bundler, rake) as well as the Vagrant source code with the simple command:

    This will download several Ruby gems as well as download the Vagrant source code from Git to our Ruby runtime.


    We might want to take care that our Vagrant runtime that we normally use is in our executable PATH user variable. Verify the version of Vagrant that your system will use with the which vagrant command.

    If the command returns the normal Vagrant, your system will continue to use the installed Vagrant executables. If the system returns a path that includes .rbenv/shims, you might wish to modify your executable PATH or simply make sure to delete the Vagrant executable in the rbenv environment.

  3. Modify the version file to match the structure we declared in the gemspec file in the previous step:

    module VagrantPlugins
      module Hello
        VERSION = "0.0.1"

    Note that our version file defines the VERSION variable to be in the VagrantPlugins parent module and the Hello submodule. This will ensure that our plugin defines an extension within the larger Vagrant plugins module that is part of the Vagrant runtime.

  4. Define our "Hello" plugin by creating the plugin.rb file in the lib/ directory. This Ruby file contains a bit of error handling (to ensure that Vagrant is present) and includes our plugin definition:

      require 'vagrant'
      rescue LoadError
      raise 'The vagrant-hello plugin must be run within Vagrant.'
    module VagrantPlugins::Hello
      class Plugin < Vagrant.plugin('2')
        name 'vagrant-hello'
        description <<-DESC.gsub(/^ +/, '')
          A simple plugin to say hello in the host OS.
        config(:hello, :provisioner) do
          require_relative 'config'
        provisioner(:hello) do
          require_relative 'provisioner'

    Note here a few items of syntax:

    • The definition of the HelloPlugin class that inherits from a specific version of Vagrant. This allows future versions of Vagrant to identify and perhaps use your plugin without further modification. This extension guarantees that your plugin will always load and not potentially corrupt the operation of future versions of Vagrant.

    • Note here the syntax used to call the config and provisioner methods, each will require a relative file (in this case, config.rb and provisioner.rb) and call the appropriate functions.

  5. Define the configuration in config.rb. The config file typically defines how our Vagrantfiles will interact with the plugin. In this case, the accessor :inline attribute allows us to create a configuration parameter named inline in the provisioner block of our Vagrantfile:

    module VagrantPlugins::Hello
      class Config < Vagrant.plugin('2', :config)
        attr_accessor :inline
        def initialize
          @inline = UNSET_VALUE
        def finalize!
          @inline = nil if @inline == UNSET_VALUE
        def validate(machine)
          errors = _detected_errors
          unless inline
            errors << ':hello provisioner requires someone to say hello to!'
  6. Implement the actions of the provisioner in an additional file named provisioner.rb:

    module VagrantPlugins::Hello
      class Provisioner < Vagrant.plugin('2', :provisioner)
        def provision
          result = Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(
              "echo 'Hello #{config.inline}!'",
              :notify => [:stdout, :stderr]
          ) do |io_name, data|
   "[#{io_name}] #{data}"

    In this example, the provisioner is very basic; a provision method will simply execute a Bash process within the guest that echoes the "Hello string " with the value of config.inline appended to the output.

  7. Create a simple Vagrantfile to test our new plugin. In this case, we'll also need to tell our Vagrantfile to load the local plugin (gem) file: vagrant-hello.

    # -*- mode: ruby -*-
    # vi: set ft=ruby :
    $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
    require 'vagrant-hello'
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-32-nocm"
      config.vm.provision :hello do |hello|
        hello.inline = 'Chad!'
  8. With everything in place, our file structure now looks like this:

    ├── Gemfile
    ├── Gemfile.lock
    ├── LICENSE.txt
    ├── Rakefile
    ├── Vagrantfile
    ├── lib
    │   ├── vagrant-hello
    │   │   ├── config.rb
    │   │   ├── plugin.rb
    │   │   ├── provisioner.rb
    │   │   └── version.rb
    │   └── vagrant-hello.rb
    └── vagrant-hello.gemspec

Start this local environment with a slightly different command:

bundle exec vagrant up –provisioner=virtualbox

The bundle exec command will ensure that our Ruby runtime is defined locally. If you have defined a different default provisioner for Vagrant, you might also wish to define our box provisioner to be the virtualbox provisioner that is bundled with Vagrant.

The vagrant up command should proceed normally. The output will provision and boot a virtual machine as normal (using a base box), with the final output being that of our custom provisioner:

==> default: Running provisioner: hello...
[stdout] Hello Chad!!

We have now implemented a simple provisioner that can be built with a rake task and distributed as a RubyGem. Publishing the gem to RubyForge allows the following command to install the plugin to your local Vagrant installation:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hello 

How it works...

Developing a Vagrant plugin is very similar to developing a typical Ruby gem; if you are not familiar with Gem development, there are a variety of Ruby programming books that can help you get started. The structure of the Vagrant plugins allows you to define a few different types of functions:

  • Provisioners: In this example, we defined a simple provisioner that executed a Bash script.

  • Guests and guest capabilities: These functions allow plugin developers to both test for certain guest operating systems and add functions to guests without requiring additional provisioners.

  • Hosts and host capabilities: These functions allow Vagrant to modify functions of the host operating system within the confines of operating system permissions. Primary examples are plugins that modify the host operating system's /etc/host files or DNS entries that allow other system services to refer to Vagrant machines by a defined name in a Vagrantfile.

  • Providers: Defining providers allows Vagrant to provision and manage virtual environments other than VirtualBox. For example, Vagrant's support for VMware, Amazon Web Services, and DigitalOcean are all custom providers that use the APIs of each of these services.

The plugin framework allows developers to extend the Vagrant runtime that allows for additional capability. However, there is a downside to this feature: using a plugin requires end users to install it prior to executing Vagrantfiles that require the plugin, and code written in plugins can be nonportable if Vagrant is being used to support a full development lifecycle from Vagrant development boxes to production servers. In this specific case (executing a bash command), a simpler and more portable solution would be to use the existing shell provisioner. While there are some cases where plugin extensibility is desired, developing plugins is something that should be carefully considered in the majority of software development cases.

See also