Creating databases and users
Managing a database means more than ensuring that the service is running; a database server is nothing without databases. Databases need users and privileges. Privileges are handled with GRANT
statements. We will use the puppetlabs-mysql
package to create a database and a user with access to that database. We'll create a MySQL user Drupal and a database called Drupal. We'll create a table named nodes and place data into that table.
How to do it...
Follow these steps to create databases and users:
Create a database definition within your
class:mysql::db { 'drupal': host => 'localhost', user => 'drupal', password => 'Cookbook', sql => '/root/drupal.sql', require => File['/root/drupal.sql'] } file { '/root/drupal.sql': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///modules/mysql/drupal.sql', }
Allow the Drupal user to modify the nodes table:
mysql_grant { 'drupal@localhost/drupal.nodes': ensure...