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Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook - Third Edition

By : Clif Flynt, Sarath Lakshman, Shantanu Tushar
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Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook - Third Edition

By: Clif Flynt, Sarath Lakshman, Shantanu Tushar

Overview of this book

The shell is the most powerful tool your computer provides. Despite having it at their fingertips, many users are unaware of how much the shell can accomplish. Using the shell, you can generate databases and web pages from sets of files, automate monotonous admin tasks such as system backups, monitor your system's health and activity, identify network bottlenecks and system resource hogs, and more. This book will show you how to do all this and much more. This book, now in its third edition, describes the exciting new features in the newest Linux distributions to help you accomplish more than you imagine. It shows how to use simple commands to automate complex tasks, automate web interactions, download videos, set up containers and cloud servers, and even get free SSL certificates. Starting with the basics of the shell, you will learn simple commands and how to apply them to real-world issues. From there, you'll learn text processing, web interactions, network and system monitoring, and system tuning. Software engineers will learn how to examine system applications, how to use modern software management tools such as git and fossil for their own work, and how to submit patches to open-source projects. Finally, you'll learn how to set up Linux Containers and Virtual machines and even run your own Cloud server with a free SSL Certificate from
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Using variables and environment variables

All programming languages use variables to retain data for later use or modification. Unlike compiled languages, most scripting languages do not require a type declaration before a variable is created. The type is determined by usage. The value of a variable is accessed by preceding the variable name with a dollar sign. The shell defines several variables it uses for configuration and information like available printers, search paths, and so on. These are called environment variables.

Getting ready

Variables are named as a sequence of letters, numbers, and underscores with no whitespace. Common conventions are to use UPPER_CASE for environment variables and camelCase or lower_case for variables used within a script.

All applications and scripts can access the environment variables. To view all the environment variables defined in your current shell, issue the env or printenv command:

$> env 
# ... And many more lines

To view the environment of other processes, use the following command:

cat /proc/$PID/environ

Set PID with a process ID of the process (PID is an integer value).

Assume an application called gedit is running. We obtain the process ID of gedit with the pgrep command:

$ pgrep gedit

We view the environment variables associated with the process by executing the following command:

$ cat /proc/12501/environ
Note that the previous output has many lines stripped for convenience. The actual output contains more variables.
The /proc/PID/environ special file contains a list of environment variables and their values. Each variable is represented as a name=value pair, separated by a null character (\0). This is not easily human readable.

To make a human-friendly report, pipe the output of the cat command to tr, to substitute the \0 character with \n:

$ cat /proc/12501/environ  | tr '\0' '\n'

How to do it...

Assign a value to a variable with the equal sign operator:


The name of the variable is varName and value is the value to be assigned to it. If value does not contain any space character (such as space), it need not be enclosed in quotes, otherwise it must be enclosed in single or double quotes.

Note that var = value and var=value are different. It is a usual mistake to write var = value instead of var=value. An equal sign without spaces is an assignment operation, whereas using spaces creates an equality test.

Access the contents of a variable by prefixing the variable name with a dollar sign ($).

var="value" #Assign "value" to var
echo $var

You may also use it like this:

echo ${var}

This output will be displayed:


Variable values within double quotes can be used with printf, echo, and other shell commands:

echo "We have $count ${fruit}(s)"

The output will be as follows:

We have 5 apple(s)

Because the shell uses a space to delimit words, we need to add curly braces to let the shell know that the variable name is fruit, not fruit(s).

Environment variables are inherited from the parent processes. For example, HTTP_PROXY is an environment variable that defines which proxy server to use for an Internet connection.

Usually, it is set as follows:


The export command declares one or more variables that will be inherited by child tasks. After variables are exported, any application executed from the current shell script, receives this variable. There are many standard environment variables created and used by the shell, and we can export our own variables.

For example, the PATH variable lists the folders, which the shell will search for an application. A typical PATH variable will contain the following:

$ echo $PATH 

Directory paths are delimited by the : character. Usually, $PATH is defined in /etc/environment, /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc.

To add a new path to the PATH environment, use the following command:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/user/bin"

Alternatively, use these commands:

$ PATH="$PATH:/home/user/bin" 
$ export PATH 
$ echo $PATH 

Here we have added /home/user/bin to PATH.

Some of the well-known environment variables are HOME, PWD, USER, UID, and SHELL.

When using single quotes, variables will not be expanded and will be displayed as it is. This means, $ echo '$var' will display $var.

Whereas, $ echo "$var" will display the value of the $var variable if it is defined, or nothing if it is not defined.

There's more...

The shell has many more built-in features. Here are a few more:

Finding the length of a string

Get the length of a variable's value with the following command:


Consider this example:

$ var=12345678901234567890$
echo ${#var}

The length parameter is the number of characters in the string.

Identifying the current shell

To identify the shell which is currently being used, use the SHELL environment variable.

echo $SHELL

Alternatively, use this command:

echo $0

Consider this example:

$ echo $SHELL

Also, by executing the echo $0 command, we will get the same output:

$ echo $0

Checking for super user

The UID environment variable holds the User ID. Use this value to check whether the current script is being run as a root user or regular user. Consider this example:

If [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then 
  echo Non root user. Please run as root. 
  echo Root user 

Note that [ is actually a command and must be separated from the rest of the string with spaces. We can also write the preceding script as follows:

if test $UID -ne 0:1 
    echo Non root user. Please run as root 
    echo Root User 

The UID value for the root user is 0.

Modifying the Bash prompt string (username@hostname:~$)

When we open a terminal or run a shell, we see a prompt such as user@hostname: /home/$. Different GNU/Linux distributions have different prompts and different colors. The PS1 environment variable defines the primary prompt. The default prompt is defined by a line in the ~/.bashrc file.

  • View the line used to set the PS1 variable:
        $ cat ~/.bashrc | grep PS1 
        PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
  • To modify the prompt, enter the following command:
        slynux@localhost: ~$ PS1="PROMPT> " # Prompt string changed 
        PROMPT> Type commands here.
  • We can use colored text using the special escape sequences such as \e[1;31 (refer to the Displaying output in a terminal recipe of this chapter).

Certain special characters expand to system parameters. For example, \u expands to username, \h expands to hostname, and \w expands to the current working directory.